Life of the Mnkey


I started Twinking on the server Onyxia with the guild Team Voltron. Since my shaman was level 12 at the time and i didnt feel like leveling another toon, i chose him. I joined a guild called Team Voltron when i hit level 19. Recently after that the guild was renamed to The Pwny Express. As the guild died down it was mainly just 2 people left. Me and a hunter named Rollz.

When i found out about the ruin migration i decided to go to a ruin realm aswell. After searching for some good realms i decided to xfer to Azgalor, which at the time had many twink guilds, and joined Meat Puppet. During which time i also finally gained my first AGM due to Pwntage helping me kill a 31 druid at 7 A.M. Woot!

After a few months of MP dieing i decided to go horde, during which time i picked up ever GF gear except Jutebraide *most retarded mistake of my life*. During my time on horde i joined the guild Red Velvet Cupcakes *Gay Name Ftw* with Battlebagel.

One game on my Ally Paladin i saw Plaque had finally logged on after this 6month escape. I transfered back ally and did my first premades agaist Insult to Injury. When cata hit MP died and is still dead to this day. Me being weird, decided to stay until the dreadful day of August of '11 when i recieved a perma ban.

This is the last post i will put on Twinkinfo.

Ty to all my friends, i had a blast.

DUCKHUNT #1!!!!!!!!!!
YO MNKEY. We had some sick games yo, you will be missed. Peace to one of the best 19 shammies, GL IRL bro.
yo bro. red velvet cupcake was some stand up guys. i would of joined cept the guy {sam} who got me to xfer was in the guild i was in. {horde invation} he was in MP with you to.. so i made an ally warrior twink and probably saw you around both sides. not probably i did see you around and it saddens me to hear of this ban. is there anything that can be done to fix this.. /salute and good luck man.
Goodluck man, sad to see another quality player leave, takecare and all the best!!!

Love hotbot
Ima miss you man, we had some hard times 2gether with Weak Alliance.....WE TRIED!
Fuck you Mnkey I wasn't done mid farming you... PS.. If you ever happen to read this thread again... Check your PM's... about to send you one...

PS: I'll do it at home when I can send you guild's vent info too.
good bye fellow shaman

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