mczizegg Grandfathered Sep 14, 2017 #1 Lf new mates to grind AP in Neltharions Lair. Any 99/101 are welcome, we are usually 2-4 players. (mostly horde). Looking for some alliance Twinks for my mage to farm Ap with. Horde can add me ofc too Nystrozium#2694 Zoretanus#2449 Second Account
Lf new mates to grind AP in Neltharions Lair. Any 99/101 are welcome, we are usually 2-4 players. (mostly horde). Looking for some alliance Twinks for my mage to farm Ap with. Horde can add me ofc too Nystrozium#2694 Zoretanus#2449 Second Account
Simple Legend Sep 14, 2017 #2 I'm usually down for some AP farm on Alliance - Simple#2116 If you ever want to do some runs