LFM Alliance lvl 70 twinks for BT/Sunwell weekly raid team


Now that we have cross-server raiding, I, for one, would like to clear some BC content on my 70 twinks and I couldn’t find a post of anyone organizing this for US Alliance, so I’ll give it a go. These raids can be done with far less than the intended 25 players now, thanks to LK epic gems, LK enchants and glyphs. I’d like to start out with 15 players initially, (2 tanks, 3 healers, 10 DPS) and see where the group stands in both skill and gear. If you are interested, please reply to this post with a link to your character(s) armory page and if your class can play multiple rolls, please specify which roll you’d like to raid as. Also, please post which nights of the week work out best for you. All players must have DBM – Outlands/Sunwell/BT as well as access to mumble/ventrillo (we’ll work out which we’re using when we get there.) If you are hearing impaired, we will still take you in the group, but you must know the fights very well.

Loot Rules:

  1. MS>OS>Transmog. Every time. Gear always goes to a player that will use it before it goes to a player so they can look cool.
  2. No items are ever reserved. If we are all lvl 70’s and we are all contributing to clearing the same content, then no one of us should be any more entitled to any loot than any one else.
  3. There is no selling loot in the raid. If an item is BoP and you roll on it and win it, it is yours. Exploiting your good fortune should be something reserved for the auction house. If it is something you do not actually intend to keep, then please let someone else, who is also putting in the time and effort (same as you) win it.
  4. Patterns/Designs/Schematics are a touchy subject for a lot of players, so to keep things fair, the roll is MS>OS>AH. The player with the winning MS or OS roll must link their profession book to show that they have a high enough skill level to learn the P/D/S they are rolling on and to also show that they do not already know the P/D/S. Players must learn the P/D/S once it is given to them if they win it on a MS or OS roll.
  5. PvP items will be ‘MS>OS’ to any player that can reasonably use them, i.e. if it has resil/intel/hit, it’ll go to a lock or mage over a priest or druid.
  6. Legendary weapons will not be restricted to particular classes or specs. If a player’s class can equip the item, regardless of spec, that player can /roll for the legendary item.

We all have PvP/PvE sets, but I will not take players in PvP gear for PvE content (ok, 1 or 2 pieces, maybe, but not in full PvP.) I do not tolerate drama (name-calling, vulgar/rude emoting, dropping toy trains in the middle of fight explanations etc.) and I will kick you if you start or escalate any arguments. Basically, this is a group for the mature; I believe by having higher standards and expectations of each other's personalities, we can kick back, have some fun and clear some content without worrying about children crying over teh lewtz. If this all sounds reasonable to you, please reply in this thread with your info. Thanks for your time-
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Good luck :D
Toon's link is in the description
know all the places front and back, and im not lookin for gear, i just want to clear some content in an all 70 raid. BiS except for rings.
I can go ele or Enh, but im best geared for enhancement.

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