LF Supporter (Kinda ^^)


Okay so i know this might be a stupid question but.. Im really into 19 twinks and so. But on the server i play there isn't any good twink guilds except for <Not a Twink Guild> which is only lvl 70 twinks. So i am looking for someone who is on a server with a good 19 twink guild to... Support me with some gold and such so i can make a twink on that server. I know i could migrate server, But unfortunatly i can not afford that at the moment. So if u could support me. Please contact me here on this forum =)

Thanks in Advance

What are you? Alliance/Horde? US/EU?
the guy is saying he can't xfer his char, since he doesn't have the RL money.. i suppose, Critter Kill Squad, formerly known as fourteen inches unbuffed, soon to be something else, can help you out =)

aszune - blackout battle group, Eu =)
It's not that difficult to start on a new server. Just make a DK to farm gold and you can make a pretty solid twink in about 1 week.
Loves2twink said:
It's not that difficult to start on a new server. Just make a DK to farm gold and you can make a pretty solid twink in about 1 week.


Dustblaster said:
But i want a rogue ;D I like Night Elf Female Rogues :D
yeah because every guild is so short on 1st time rogues i'm sure you'l find funding :rolleyes:

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