US LF someone to trade Lunar carps with on US Alliance


Hi guys, I am looking for a lv.1 twink that would like to trade lunarfall cavedweller kills.

How it would work:

I would fish up a set of 5 lunarfall carps. You would get your lv.1 twink to draenor and visit my garrison. I would then use the carps and kill the lunarfall cavedwellers. You can then loot on your lv.1. After that, you would do the same for me. We would repeat until someone wants to stop.

The cavedwellers drop a lot of nice stuff for lv.1 twinks. Both of the turtle mounts that are useable at lv.1 drop from it, as well as weather beaten fishing hat, which is BIS.
These aren't lootable by level 1s any more unfortunately. I don't know when they changed it, but word was going around a good few months ago now. I tested it last patch with a batch of 5 fish and none of the drops were lootable on the level 1 and BoPs can't be traded from those mobs any more.
Just tested it, yup looks like that stuff is unobtainable. I went to timeless isle on my lv. 1 and we can't even get timeless coins from the rocks now. Looks like Fire-watcher's Oath is also GF'd

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