LF Real-ID EU horde


''You can now form same-faction raids with Real ID friends, allowing you to enter Raid Finder in groups larger than 5, run older normal or heroic raids, or participate in Battlegrounds. You will not yet be able to run normal or heroic Dragon Soul with cross-realm raids of Real ID friends.''

So yeah Im looking for some players on EU horde that wanne do some cross-realm BGs or dungeons, post it in below or PM me your Real ID.

I'd be interested to organise cross-realm premade 24 on Alliance... I prefer pugging on Horde though, as I usually meet A LOT of other 24's in the games already. I'll PM you my details in any case, good luck :)

"EU Alliance needs more 24!!"
Maby for premading yeah but not for pugging. With the amount of hunters, palas and what not on alliance in rediculous numbers its not really needed.

Checking through my screenies, there does seem to be more Alliance hunters/palas, but the difference is minimal.

In the evenings when it's 1 Ally 24 vs 4+ Horde 24's..... A few more Ally 24's queueing to pug would make the games much more interesting.
Just wanna to say that the Real-ID is a big succes, we are doing premades almost everyday and there are always more people then premade group spots. Sometimes we are even running 2 premades :) So if u are missing all the premade fun on Horde - EU please send me your Real-id or ask for mine!
Hope to see you guys around :)

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