Lf premade challengers

I don'y play often but i can try and get a team and schedule something for potentially saturday/sunday night games let me know if you are still down and can field a team
I wouldn't be bumping this thread if I wasn't able to field a team, just give me atleast a weeks heads up for whatever day if you can manage.

Also don't understand the "asap" thing, unless your an up and coming rap collective from Harlem, then swag swag or w/e lul. Sucks we can't seem to get many/any decent 5-10 mans going...

Down to premade for people hit me up (Doomchicken1517)
Add my skype if u need me!

BiS hunter alliance kilrogg
BiS Resto druid kilrogg'
BiS Resto shaman Kilrogg

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