LF BiS 24 SP

I mean the simple truth is that there is no "SP BiS". As with most spec's your gear drastically changes due to situation or gameplay. I find this conundrum is even worse with shadow priests due to the fact that many builds are widely argued. Im assuming your looking for a sort of "Go-to" BG orientated hybrid SP gear build. But even that is debated upon, the question of the values of crit in bg-play, or whether you want a little more surv (the longer your alive in shadowform is more dps/utility you put out) are all decisions you will have to make yourself.

Obviously some gear will never be replaced as that gear in any situation is "BiS" (Hotshots, etc.). But you will quickly find that a majority of gear, and most of your chant choices are throw-up choices completely depending on situation and further on personal preference.

An example of this is your belt slot. While many, including myself, agree that Nesingwary's Sash - Item - World of Warcraft is in almost all cases BiS, many others run Girdle of Nobility - Item - World of Warcraft because of the extra crit.

Drayner's ally priest is a perfect example of a "True" glass cannon build. That would mean a full int stack, while my priest (missing Hotshots sigh) runs a few bonus stam pieces because I believe that an overall surv boost beats glass cannon dmg in BG's anyday (opinion).

The first thing you should be asking is "what am I supposed to be doing here" then build your gear around that idea. Tinker between int stam and crit until you yourself find a nice hybrid build that works for your play style.

Yes, some gear is BiS no matter how you look at it.
This gear includes Hotshot's, Slippers, Overlords Neck, Spidertank Oilrag, BoA legs, shoulders, cloak, and weapon.
Your CHOICE pieces include, offhand, head, belt, rings, trinkets, chest (Mechbuilders are honestly a waste of money this shouldn't be choice don't do it the int is comparatively worthless)

Trinket choices obviously depends on your race (humans get free trink, undead basically get free trink).

Savage (Siccness) has in my opinion an awesome build going on, and Drayner will be your go-to TGcannon build. I wouldn't recommend running my current armory build as its completely based off the arena war-games I have been running and is fully personalized.

Sorry for the TL;DR but they are complexities worth mentioning for any person searching for "BiS" builds.

Happy hunting,
Sorry thought u were opxD
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To the OP, [MENTION=23405]Pattern[/MENTION] said it perfect.

It all depends on what you want to do. That's why I linked the list of 24s. What works for some, doesn't work for others. Do you have healers? If no, my glass cannon build isn't gonna work well. If you do, it might. If you solo queue, you are going to want to be a little beefier.

I have 3 sets that I rotate between personally. I have my INT set (which is what I am in right now on the armory), I have a STAM set for those rare occassions where I have to FC, I have a balance set which is what I've tested to be a good balance between survival and damage. l don't think there are any items that I don't have on my ally priest. I switch depending on situation.

PS. I agree with you again Pattern, Mech's are not worth buying unless you already have a few of them laying around. :)


Hotshots (Best)
sage on intellect (great)

charged gear of intellect (best) x2 you need 1 more

Your human so 2 intellect trinkets ( glass canon)
off-hand - witch's finger

Neck - Overlords favor

engneering :

Spell goggles Xtreme
mech overalls - greater stats

Pvp power to cloak

Side note - Few classes have a best in slot, such as:

Spriest - glass canon
sub rogue - glass canon
arms warrior - Max dps thru Crit build *
ele shaman - Glass canon w/ max crit *
boomy - Glass canon *
Frost mages - Glass canon


All FC's


No heals have a cookie cutter best in slot

* All items /Armor are cookie cutter Builds in "Stone" BIs ( Only Weapon Enchant is left to playstyle )

All balance sets / FC set are not Best in slot sets (Situational only)

Just FYI for WOD - I will not be rating or Theorycrafting - Guild Only Exclusive.

Will be be doing Bis builds along with Arena Bis Builds 20-29
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It is also worth mentioning, with the upcoming changes in Warlords that going off and stressing to build a BiS set might be a waste of time and resources.
That being said I fully support anyone attempting to better their character even if its only for the short time of a month or so (assuming 6.0 pre patch is imminent).

I know I stressed the situational approach to gearing hard in the last post but I forgot to also mention a valuable lesson to gearing yourself which is to ask your teammates.

This is if you are planning on running frequent arena's or premading most of your time, instead of creating your own builds you should go and ask the comp or team you are running with what THEY want you to be objectively doing.

Your go-to question will be: "What kind of gear format can best suit my teams needs at the moment?"

The more you can think and adapt to cover your teams weaknesses the stronger your team will become.

Engineering will still be best profession in Wod , his helm won't but ill still be engineering used, neck will replace, his rings are still best in slot for non grandfathered, as trinkets i mentioned. basically a lot will be , i don't want to go into WOD Bis set. but it won't be a waste of time plus 6 weeks left a lot of bgs to play, takes 2 hours to lvl professions.

IMO, 6 weeks yes, as for me i want u geared i don't want a half way geared person on my team f2p or p2p, but thats me. Most important rule as long as ur having fun.

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