LF - Arena Help, Mage.


That One OG
Basically, I have some idea on how to setup my character's gear but I have no idea on how to approach certain classes such as hunters, paladins, shamans, locks, druids in a 2v2 situation. I can't seem to find any arena videos that can give me some sense of direction.

If you can help, thanks in advance.
Sorry to say but you're pretty screwed if you meet a good hunter like Twinkytoes and he gets that clutch Serpent Sting up.
Schildkröte said:
Sorry to say but you're pretty screwed if you meet a good hunter like Twinkytoes and he gets that clutch Serpent Sting up.

Har Har Har.

Looks like I'll keep looking for videos with a mage and another class doing arenas.

It's old, but still bloody good! (I miss my old Mentor :'( )
I have trouble with these classes too, out of those paladins would probably be the easiest to kill. Just wait till cata when we get arcane barrage and counterspell, or shatter and water elemental then we'll be able to really do some damage.
1. group with a priest

2. sheep and fear spam the target you're not nuking

3. rank 1 frostbolt when they're away from pillar

4. throw a 300 crit fireball at their face (this might take some practice)

5. repeat
Anyone have suggestions or thoughts on the chardev thats in OP ?
CIHC said:
Anyone have suggestions or thoughts on the chardev thats in OP ?

Looks pretty solid, for arena you might want to use 16 spellpower on gloves instead of 20 frost so that your arcane missles and instant fireblast hit harder. Always use arcane missles on someone that is trying to line of sight you. Arcane Explosion can be useful too against hunters in close range so you'll want to maximize that damage as well. I like the 9 stam on bracers but you could use Pious Legwraps - Item - World of Warcraft for stam and pick up 15 spellpower on wrists, to offset the mana lost by using pious over darkweave you could always use staff switching from +22int to a 30 spellpower later in the fight.
The key to mage play is to prevent your team from taking damage whilst awaiting a moment to strike for a burst. You can only beat a hunter/shaman/warlock if you successfully sequence your spells when their healer is CC'd and your partner is on the target aswell. Stuns help a lot here, so teaming with a paladin or hunter can be to your advantage if you rely on burst. You won't beat all combos if you try to oom your opponents or have them run out of CDs. That's just how the game's balance is.
I've been playing mage/priest for quite a while now. I think the best mage comp is either mage/sham or mage/lock but mage/priest isn't all bad.

Setups with lock and druid are hardest IMO. Me and my partner don't even bother with hunters anymore.

In general vs healer+dps teams you cc the healer and nuke the dps. we just string full sheeps and fear and arcane torrent together to get kills. vs dual dps comps you should always keep in mind that melee classes are easier to cc cause you can use r1's and nova to fill the sheep dr space.

As mentioned before a mage alone can't get a kill off you need assistance from your partner. So my priest always plays very offensive.

Be prepared to lose a lot though, certain comps are simply impossible (hunt/dru, lock/dru,..) and a lot of other comps simply have the upperhand.
who would you suggest? He's basically the only mage that even arenas, let alone win matches.

Hes good but i carry him. lol jk.

Seriously though Aurio (when he played) and lobotomage (still plays) are really good.

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