LF afflicton lock

Locks are kind of easy to gear, but tough to play because they are so squishy. Check out my lock Llina on Cenarius. I am Destro atm, which is what I'd suggest for premading. Certainly afflic, is best to fluff damage #s in pugs. Swap out +10haste on gloves for +20 shadow spell power. I use Headmaster's Charge for a staff. Can swap the other BoA shoulders & mindthrust (w/ +15 spell, or +9 stam) if you use hit pots (I don't yet). Also, you can swap head piece for Keeshawn's Bandana, BoA, or fishing hat. Have fun, It'll be nice to see more locks in the bracket.
Here is mine

Zealote @ Caelestrasz - Game - World of Warcraft

A few things to gun for,

- Mindthrust

- Different Wand, DMines WC and some quests offer some good ones. (Mine is GF'd, but I like the white dps stat so Im happpy with it).

- Different Belt, atm Im using random dungeon bag loot belt "of the vision", but Im pretty sure its not BiS, I havent been lucky enough to have the one I need looted.

You need 7 hit to cap, because having a fear miss in massive facepalm. To get this I have opted for the DMines ring + Tailored cape, but there are alot of different ways to mix and match gear to hit magic 7. the DMines Ring has 5int/3 hit, a quest in DarkShire offers one with 5stam, 3Agil and 3 hit, so if you feel you need more HP, go for that, or if you want max damage opt for Lavishly Jeweled Ring as I have (DMines ring).

Good luck
Acussa @ Al'Akir - Game - World of Warcraft

dont count at RNG, be sure to stack much sp, stam on bracers can be depleted with 1 hit, its 90hps. so go for sp.

also i have long time since i last played so at some point i must be inacurate, on my armory it doesnt show shoulders and weapon (boa+boa pve staff with 30sp)

, plus vision belt id say is the best because the one with sp has crappy stats. also afaik now boa chest is better than the inferno (which is aparently sad) and boa head is better than lfh (sad aswell)

be sure to get 2 agms too, and youll need a FC for bis afaik :D
aether said:
also id recomment not to get 7 hit but 6, coz getting that last 1 will waste much of ur stats. and sidni or how that guy is called, who is pro, the last time i saw him had 6 hit.

soz 4 dp

doublepost. =.=''

Hit capping is far more important than stats, it is also very easy for a caster to cap. Missed fears always come at the worst times.

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