LF a Pre-TBC PVE Guild / EU


Greetings Everyone,

Currently I'm looking for a level 60 Raiding guild EU,

A guild that is aiming both on PVE / PVP.
No Abusing of outland items, but just the way it used to be like the old days.
Right at the moment I dont have any characters availlable but I am willing to level it asap.

Willing to reroll either a Prot War / or Enhancement Shaman

Feel free to add me ingame to have a chat.



Rookie Wookie
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No Abusing of outland items, but just the way it used to be like the old days.
That DO NOT exist, and even if it did, what a laugh. It makes me jump out of my skin, they call themselves "pure". Yeah I've heard it, in these words "you are not pure!".
And then you inspect them they have full TBC enchants, professions, glyphs etc etc. The whole thing. Nobody cares of the color of the items, no-body.

If you want to be so called "pure", for the lols of it. Well first off you have to be ready to be picked up by whoever in PvP.
Second, you have to give up, TBC professions, enchants, WOTLK glyphs, CATA talents, new abilities since vanilla. Super healing potions (TBC). Frostweave Bandages. Black Label (TBC, unless you are a dedicated fisherman). And then, then maybe, maybe I'll hand you red carpet and your "purity". But also you are going to be bleeding on that very carpet.
I repeat, nobody care of the color of the items, stop being out of your mind thinking it's harder to get epic gear than say TBC rings, that is not true. Since you are getting boosted by 85s like everybody else. And the color itself has no purpose. Follow your reasoning all the way through, or forget it.
That was not for you alone, but for whoever is concerned. That's also one of the reason we have less ppl at 60, we don't need to start segregating people. So you are very welcome to wear pink equipement and hinder yourself if that get you off, but you will be with everyone else. (including 64s)
And anyone attempting to make that segregation is only hurting the bracket.
Ofcourse I understand that, I was just trying to give an idea....

My ´´BAD´´ for mentioning it wrong... ofcourse you are pretty sure what i mean.

I wont be that die hard, but as long as the gear just sticks with 60. and no outland.
You can transmogrify the outland gear with T2 etc, so you would look like an old school character, what is the problem exactly I'm not following? I don't think there is any guild that forbid outland gear, but you can do that for yourself if you want, but like I said you are most likely to find a guild with no restrictions.
And for that I'm recommanding Outland. (the server lol) Dawn of extinction and the other one.
You're best bet is Screams of the past, however they are located on US. We do sometimes get EU players in our guild though, since we are the only one around. We used to have a druid from London who played with us. Originally we did not allow shamans in the guild, however after being active for two years we decided to allow them after a guild vote. We have been running for three and a half years now.

Screams of the Past @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Our website(you must apply to join) Screams of the Past

Screams does not allow glyphs, DKs, non vanilla races(worgen/draenie) wrath enchants, BC enchants, gems, or anything past BC. We do however allow these items for PVP, but when you raid you must wear "legal" gear. Our raid times are 6:30 Pm Draka server time which is central US.
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