LF a Leatherworker that can craft Gloves of Immortal Dusk on Darkspear - US ally side

Re: LF a Leatherworker that can craft Gloves of Immortal Dusk on Darkspear - US ally

darkspear has the biggest alliance population server in wow i believe, it shouldn't be to hard finding a leatherworker online with that pattern.
Re: LF a Leatherworker that can craft Gloves of Immortal Dusk on Darkspear - US ally

Well, there is, or was a goblin hunter, Indali, who could make them, on Thrall horde US, if you get really, really desperate.

Ran sunwell over 100 times back in mid-wrath, And rarely even got past felmyst, And i've never seen the pattern drop.

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