Leveling Twinks- A Contradiction?

Time for some reporting then...

natural will have more job to do it seems.

please i agree with IAC, keep this bullshit to yourselves or in your PMs. not on forums !
level twinking ftw

I'll take a whack at the original question. :) I level twink and I enjoy it. It is totally a viable option and in fact one of my favorite parts of the game now.

I twinked at 29 for a while pre-3.1 and loved it, which is why I started reading Drayner's blog. When 3.1 came along, I transferred my priest to reckoning and played some games there. It was really fun and different for me to play all-twink battles and I learned a lot. However, that ended up sucking because I was just never able to get games after a while. It seemed like my two twinking options were to go 19 bracket or level twink. I chose level twinking because my wife and siblings like to do it with me and they would not have fun getting their asses kicked in in the xp-off brackets because they aren't the types who, say, read this website.

Level twinking is not just about griefing lowbies, though there is inevitably some of that toward the end of each bracket. To keep the challenge level up (and to keep the gear acquisition time more reasonable), I usually only get the best twink gear (like items that require level 18 or 19) once I ding to the next bracket. For instance, I'll pick up inferno robe at 20, not 19. Let's not forget too that when most readers of this site got in to twinking, lowbie-smashing was part of the game for them too and they probably occasionally even enjoyed it *gasp*.

For an individual twink, the amount of time getting gear is actually pretty reasonable. I, and I imagine most other twinks, tend to enjoy that part of it too, so it's not a downside. Because I was always rolling new twinks for the fun of it before 3.1, I spent a lot of time then too grinding gear, planning gear etc. So for me, that part of it is not that different. Another nice thing about level twinking is that you don't have to be perfect...e.g., crescent staff from 10-29 is totally sufficient.

The planning part is also quite challenging and different because you have to factor in item acquisition efficiency and it's useful lifespan as well as it's overall power. For example, robes of arugal is a mint item because you get it at 20 and keep it into the early 30's whereas Tree Bark Jacket is useless because it is supplanted by robes one level after you can wear it. Deadman's Hand rocks, but it's such a bitch to get, it's not worth it for a few levels of use. Also, BOE's are often unobtainable because you are moving through and they may not be on the AH when you need them, so you have to dig into other possibilities which is fun.

BoA's are obviously useful for level twinking and will save you gear grinding time. I don't have any because I don't have an 80, but I actually get on fine without them. I have seen a lot of "BoA leveling twinks" in the xp-on BG's, and frankly, it is fun to have them there on the other team because that makes it more challenging too.

All in all, the gear planning is a good challenge, playing in the lower parts of the bracket is a good challenge, and working for cool achievements and such toward the higher end of the bracket is fun too. Honestly, the only time I was bored was at level 19 when winning warsong was too easy. Moving through brackets and gaining new abilities is fun too. For example, I've never played in the 30's before so I'm looking forward to having my twinks reach that. Oh and let's not forget that actually getting bg pops at any time in any battlegroup is pretty handy.

Level twinking is viable and fun and I recommend it. I even think it would be rad if Drayner opened a forum for level twinking. I think we might be surprised by how many people are doing and enjoying it.

Ok dudes, /restart flame war

I have been doing exactly what you are proposing. My Baby 'rolling' Twink Lock is currently level 46. A lot of her XP has come from the battlegrounds, it's a pretty nice way to level and you get a fair amount of XP but not so much that you level too quickly.

As she progressed, I get/got a little frustrated at the x1/x2/x3 levels in a battleground and being general fodder again so I tend to use these early levels in each bracket having my mains pull her through instances farming for the gear she needs at the later levels of the bracket. When I have all the items, she goes back to the BG's a little higher in level :)

Worked really nicely so far and am totally enjoying it, a completely new way for me to play and level and have a lot of fun with a twinked out character that is not stuck in one bracket. On my battlegroup there is not a lot of action in the 40's bracket.
BoAs + BG EXP = fun levelling 'twink'
I am addicted to the 10 - 19 bracket. I used to have a budjet twink that did quite well but levelling in BG changed all that.

Now I start BG at 10 with a budjet twink and upgrade my gear at 15 then 18. When I get to 20 I delete and reroll. I ussually have 3 or 4 alts of varying classes to move between. I have non binding enchanted gear to speed up the levelling until I hit 10 that can be transfered to to the next alt for levelling. Straight off the bat, from level 10 I dominate the stats in WSG. My greatest wish is to find like minded players already in a guild, if not let my own guild (Horde) travel down that path. I am having difficulty finding players with a mature attitude who are willing to follow my formula. I find Hunter the most effective class for this role but thats just me. I still hammer them with other classes.

For in game chat my guild is the "Blud Clan" Guildmaster "Bludblud" Realm "Barthilus" Zone "Oceanic"
I also XP on twink in the 10-19 bracket as hunter, and even have an ally guild on Elune US with a couple of others who are into it a little. I do it on horde side too, because I can mail my BOAs over, and I have a twink guild there too, but no other XP on twinks in it besides me.

Rather than upgrade gear as I level, I just have a set of enchanted whites and enchanted BOAs I use, so nothing is account bound. I can just mail it to my new hunter. At level 17, I use all the accumulated honor to buy the honor gear, so I guess I upgrade there.

I tried leveling up in the next bracket once, but it was not as fun to me. Rogues with crippling poison ruin it, and freedom of action potions are too expensive to use constantly. So far, I just don't like playing above level 19 because of all the CCs. It's like going into a penalty box every few seconds. IDK, maybe I'll roll a rogue and see if I like that.

Next major content patch is supposed to cut the BG XP gains in half, so I think leveling twinking will become much more viable.
Sanitarium said:
Stabbed, please just stop posting. Every time you do, I think I lose a few brain cells.


Baby come back, any type fool could see...

Baby come back, you can blame it all on me...

Come back to Manno<3
squidmagnet said:
Next major content patch is supposed to cut the BG XP gains in half, so I think leveling twinking will become much more viable.

Today is patch day.

Someone pointed out that Blizz changed the patch note to clarify that XP gains will remain the same, and only honor will be doubled. Apparently, they doubled the amount of "HKs" each objective is worth in order to double the honor, which meant they had to cut the amount of XP for "HKs" in half to keep it the same.

As far as I know, we still don't get XP for actual honorable kills; just for completing objectives. But IDK, we'll see once the servers get back up.

I'm in the process of leveling a hunter to 80 through the BGS now. It's fun, but one of the things I miss is the cameraderie of a twink guild. Every Q is a solo Q, and every BG is a PUG. Sometimes I /who warsong and see who on my server is doing BGs (and is not level 19) and see if they want to group up. So far, those acquaintances have been short lived, because they level on up, while I delete and make another semi-twink. Now that I am leveling too, I might find some frinds on my server to play with regularly.
I and 2 of my friends made leveling twinks (which we called "Perpetual Twinks"). All we did was twinking, and after the patch came out my friend was very angry. He had plenty of money and BoA gear to make his twink the best he could every single level, complete with max Proffesions and Consumables. Hes level 30 now, our win/loss record is somewhere at 90% wins (WSG). We made Mage/Rogue/Druid.

I also made a Perpetual Paladin Twink, shes 49 now and absolutly ridiculous past 15-25-35-45. If you like to roll lowbies day in day out, make a Perpetual Twink. As far as difficulty, even people with only BoA gear don't come close. Sometimes BoA geared hunters in the high end of the bracket against us in the lower end pose some difficulty.

Just recently did we move our 39 twinks to Nightfall to play some real games.
I know this thread is old and outdated, and that I'm somewhat reviving it, but I'm very interested in this subject. Currently I'm in the process of gathering Shards/Emblems for BoA gear (considering all of my current gear is for casters and I somehow find ways of spending it all on my main). Anyways, I'm trying to do some sort of research on the topic to set a plan for whatever toon I roll. I'm leaning towards hunter, as I have an 80 rogue, 70 warrior, and 60 mage.

What I would like to do is set him up with 10-19 twink gear + BoA's and load him up with honor (at least 20k, just for now). Then, as I level, I can buy AB and WSG gear (which I believe would be cloaks, boots, belt, bracers...) while still gathering whatever happens to be missing. Every 10 levels I would do this. Once I get into AV I would be able to buy the old level 60 epics and the level 60 epic armor sets.

At level 70, I don't know. It would be awesome if I could buy the level 70 arena sets with honor... but I can't, so I don't know. I guess I would have to do dungeons and what not to get gear, which is a bummer. I would probably need to be doing this in the 60-70 range anyways.

And then as soon as I hit 80, with both honor from leveling and honor from main, I would immediately be in full pvp gear and ready to start early arenas.

Thoughts? This idea sounds perfect in my head, yet I don't know if it would be easy to accomplish. The only alternatives would be to use my mage or hunter. The downfall with that is that I would miss out in the mass rapage that comes with leveling up.

To those above that commented on this post ages ago that have done this, what would you recommend for the 60-80's?

All else fails, I'll just lock exp at x9.
Do what you enjoy the most ...

I've done levelling twinking a few times, nothing too serious, just made sure I had full enchants and the best gear I could get for my level without too much trouble.

I turned off XP many, many times when trying to get a drop from SFK for example, then switch it back on to go in BG's at levels 16+ 26+ 36+ etc...

It's uber fun doing it this way, twinking is usually a sign that someone is getting bored with WoW so I would just advise doing whatever you think is fun!

The problem is once you ding 80, all of your gear will be utter shite, thanks to the 75k honor cap, unless you have thousands of shards on your main then the fun will probably end @ 80 until you get full wrathful, which in any case will be completely useless come Cata ....

Another option is to repeatedly make 19 twinks ... I've probably got 80% of all available heirlooms so I can pick n' choose which class to twink, grind up to level 10 and hit the BG's.

Once your level 16 just /afk before the opposition scores/wins to avoid any unwanted XP gains. Turn off XP when your gear hunting in LFG, then back on again to get in BG's.

Ding 19 and either carry on to 29 or delete and repeat.
I actually wanted Exile (the server I am working on) to be just like this. I think it could work as a server, you either lock XP at 1 or go around and level, getting gold/tokens along the way, and when you reach your desired level you turn XP off. The level cap was going to be 49, at which point you were basically a level 80. By that I mean all that all the 'end game' content was toned down to level 49s. IDK, I think it would work, hell I wish someone else made this server so I could play on it.

But back on topic. I do think that twinking while you level is entirely possible and probably a load of fun. And if you decide 'Hey, I like this bracket' you can turn XP off till the bracket gets stale and then turn XP back on and level up again.

A lot of people do this on Cyclone, but it's usually just the normal thing. You could go into a DM with someone and you'd think that with the BoAs +BiS enchants for the level, they'd be twinks or trying to twink, but when you ask them, they are just leveling. o.o

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