Leveling Twinks- A Contradiction?


Hi Everyone,

I used to be involved on the twink scene in the 29 bracket, I haven't touched my twinks in about a year, but I'm always looking to do things with twinking as it was my favorite part about this game for the longest time.

I'm interested in creating a twink that slowly levels through the brackets with superior gear and enchants, slowly upgrading as they go. Very different from the traditional twink, and in opposition to everything a traditional twink has stood for in the past. However, I don't think I need to go into detail as to what the twink scene looks like right now and how this would be a fun possibility...

I'm really only interested in if it's been done much before, how popular it is, the viability of it, and how one would successfully set themselves up.

So my questions:

Has it been done before, and if so, is it popular?

How viable is it? (Would XP gains in battlegrounds push me out of the brackets too quickly?)

How do you set it up? (Which class would offer most overall solo success? At which level do I start each bracket?)

What is your personal opinion on the matter?

I posted in the 10-19 level bracket forums because there's no General Twink' discussion forum, that's where I would start, and it has the most activity. I'll post once in the 'Alternate Twinking' forum as well, since it seems to have the best fit, however that doesn't get the same activity that this forum does.

Thank you for your responses.

Its auctually kinda fun, and kinda boring at the same time...

I hate lvling thru quests, and instances are boring most of the time. I made a lvl 39 undead rogue twink a while back, and now he is level 66, 90 percent of his levels have came from doing bg's..he has 15.6k honorable kills, master of wsg, and alota other achievments. I have done exacly what you have thought of and I will have to admit it is fun, until you find yourself level 50 or 60 going up against poorly geared lvl 69's that have twice your hp and make your epics and blues look like greys, so bascly lvling from a lvl such as 50-59 is pretty much like a long ass boring grind, but still has its fun points if you like pvp, such as myself.....just try not to punch your computer when a 69 dk with 15k hp 2 hits ur ass, because once you are his lvl itll be gg beotch. Hope this lets you know what to expect if you decide to lvl a character in this method.:)
I was actually thinking about doing this. It would be even more fun to do it with a group of 2 or more people with a healer. You could make up for being at the bottom of each bracket by sticking together and zerging players.

If anyone wants to do something like this, let me know.
being at the bottom of a bracket is no prob...up to lvl 50. at lvl 50 you will get your *ss handed out to you by keyboard-turning-cast-random-scrubs.

pally is kinda boring, warrior is loads of fun. rogues need to be very defensive in x0-x6. mages are pointless for at least 25 levels. hunter and priest are allways viable solo. locks need to be soullinked and only tabdot/fear spam. druids can make or break the game, but they are forced to heal/FC up to the mid30s.

you will allways need a lil boost in hit and heal yourself...so if you are going for an allinace char -> draenei.

imo -> draenei/warry, draenei/hunter, nelf/priest...if ally.
I actually Jam packed a rogue with Boa's Enchanted them, Got him Other BiS instance shit and began lvling it through Pvp,

I even started a PVP lvling guild, hoping to Premade and pwn for quick lvling, Lots of ppl seemed interested , then nobody would want to PVP when I invited them haha. so that guild kind of went down the drain and I now have a lvl 54 Rogue haha..

It would be sick to have a guild of dedicated players in Boa's and enchanted Instance gear to just melt face n lvl up fast.

I think its viable and fun, however instance running for superior gear will level you out of the bracket too quickly so its going to cost a signifigant amount of gold to turn off xp for instance runs. Im currently playing a 32 frost mage and im really liking the balance at 39's
I'm leveling a frost mage right now, next rogue.

I'm in full boa's and bounce between instances and pvp.

I'm 25 and getting 2 or so levels a day.

It was kinda boring until i got counterspell...
Great responses guys, thanks for the input. I'll have to see if I can find that guide.

It seems like quite a bit of fun in theory, but the only problem is that you don't ever really have anything to show for it. Once you level out, you're done, you start over again. Which also can be refreshing. Kind of like a double-edged sword, I guess.

Sporting all BoA's would be great, however that might help you level out maybe a little faster than you would want, with the XP boost.

I don't think there would be an issue with leveling up from instance runs. If anyone was a twink before 3.2 you knew how to get the equipment you needed without any experience anyway.

As far as class goes a Hunter would be easiest to pull off. Not only are they overpowered in the lower brackets, but they'e just built for that kind of playstyle. Ranged, bulky, CC, etc. all owes to a great 'Leveling Twink,' when gimped by level. However, I never liked playing Hunter so I would probably do something along the lines of Rogue or Shaman.

I'll have to look into this a little more and see how it'd all turn out.


EDIT: Here's the link to the guide I found in the 'User Submitted Guides' section. If anyone was interested.

its fun as hell, i lvld 10-48 so far through bgs, just look up 29 39 49s armorys of the class youre leveling and get the gear n chants
I've been leveling hunters in enchanted BOAs and other enchanted gear that is not BiS. I think the main thing in lower level brackets is to get the enchants. I haven't hit the higher level brackets yet, and I'm wondering whether I will really need to go after BiS gear, or just hit the dungeon finder for a few levels and get the best available enchants for the best gear I have that dropped, or bought off AH.

One thing you could miss out on is leveling gathering skills. Herb and skinning will be hard to level, and skinning is desirable for a dps class. If you know the skinning bug, you know what your option is there. Other skills can usually be leveled by buying stuff off AH. You can even level mining by buying ore on AH, smelting it, and reselling it, sometimes at a profit. The main thing to level imo is first aid, and that's usually not so hard, though it can be costly.
i might do the same for my 29 druid, i dk if its worth xferring to wrvr their at now. Still deciding.
Flint said:
Hi Everyone,

I used to be involved on the twink scene in the 29 bracket, I haven't touched my twinks in about a year, but I'm always looking to do things with twinking as it was my favorite part about this game for the longest time.

I'm interested in creating a twink that slowly levels through the brackets with superior gear and enchants, slowly upgrading as they go. Very different from the traditional twink, and in opposition to everything a traditional twink has stood for in the past. However, I don't think I need to go into detail as to what the twink scene looks like right now and how this would be a fun possibility...

I'm really only interested in if it's been done much before, how popular it is, the viability of it, and how one would successfully set themselves up.

So my questions:

Has it been done before, and if so, is it popular?

How viable is it? (Would XP gains in battlegrounds push me out of the brackets too quickly?)

How do you set it up? (Which class would offer most overall solo success? At which level do I start each bracket?)

What is your personal opinion on the matter?

I posted in the 10-19 level bracket forums because there's no General Twink' discussion forum, that's where I would start, and it has the most activity. I'll post once in the 'Alternate Twinking' forum as well, since it seems to have the best fit, however that doesn't get the same activity that this forum does.

Thank you for your responses.


This is pretty much how i levelled my druid up to level 36, i have started running my char for a few gears, from level 10 to about level 15 until i got lal gears. then i started PVPing with randsom greens and full BoA. to my surprise i was totally owning the BG all by myself and made me remember back the time where emberstorm wasn't the twink based community it was until 3.2.

but the fun was not long lived... i actually was leveling one level per 4-5 BGs that were winning too fast. and thus got easily up to 19 where i totally dominated the bracket almost all by myself. it was fun for the time it took, but i was fastly thrown into the 20-29 bracket.

back again i started farming dungeons for my gears, there i ended up being about level 24-25 again when i got what i wanted, and there again same thing, i was dominating the bracket. but again it was fast lived.

30-39 is where my luck ran out, the dps output of everyone kinda trippled while our life was still pretty much the same and thus i sucked badly and had to start gearing up again, thats where i stand right now, i am at 36 and still haven't finished gearing myself, still getting my ass handed to me quite easily by the other boa freaks.

so to answer your questions...

Has it been done before ?

yes it has and its pretty much what XP-ON twinks are called about.

Is it fun ?

Very much, because games are more balanced out, you'll basically own everyone, yet you'll find other twinks here and there that like you will just level like this. very fun games and its always fun to see that we do a difference by just being in there. be ready to gain a few "YEAAAAAH WE GOT TWINKS IN HERE WOOT" type of remarks. you'll be loved i can tell you that much

How viable is it ?

Well thats the problem, you'll be leveling quite fast. and thus wont have much time to farm for your gears to even start, so to enjoy the thing you'd have to get yourself 2 type of gears at the lowest level.

How do you set it up ?

Well to have the maximum fun, you'd have to set yourself up as multiple sets while still retaining your low level. what i mean is that, at each lowest end bracket you must disable XP and then run yourself to gain better gears while having your XP disabled. gain yourself two sets. one for level 10, then the other one for pretty much maximum bracket.

so you'd have level 10 and level 19 set for the 10-19 bracket.

once you get both sets, you reactivate XP and then just run BGs until you hit 20. at that point you deactivate XP again and farm your next 2 sets, one fore 20 and one for 29. then you reactivate and play thru the BG until next bracket again.

thats how i think you'd be best to enjoy your pvp at low level without having to worry about how fast you will level. and it gives you maximum of fun in that same bracket. i had a lot of fun with my druid but i think pretty much all classes have their role in a BG to win it. if well played, it wont have any importance which level you are compared to the others, all that will matter will be the gears you use. and in this case you'll be having the advantage for you'll be having the best gears for your bracket.

that pretty much explain it all.

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