Leveling Out


Hey guys,

Recently I have been thinking of leveling my 70 Paladin up to 90. The main reasons behind this are that I am an achievement fiend. I am so close to Battlemaster, 200 Cooking Recipes and other slightly harder titles such as the Beloved. These achievements are now rendered impossible at 70 with the cooking recipes costing at least 500k to finish and Battlemaster is due to inactivity. Back in Cata and Wrath the AV queue would pop non stop all day now it's a 20minute wait for a Warsong Gulch, and only Warsong Gulch. Also my professions play a factor in this. With 525 Fishing, Cooking and Archaeology on 2 characters I do not want to level those again just so I can keep a character in an inactive bracket.

Has anybody here leveled out? Any regrets or was it the right choice?
Best thing I ever did

Edit - Worst thing I could ever have done GODDAMN IT
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No regret no regrets no point in crying over yesterdaaaay, no regrets no regrets cuz you aint even seen the best of me.
I spent a lot of time getting achievements at 70. The Exalted, The Seeker, Salty (Almost) 100 Mounts. But now that the account wide thing is active there is no point in staying for these achievements since they appear on every character I have, as for gear it isn't too expensive/time consuming to gain. The reputations aren't required to be the best at 70 and since Tazi's nerf professions also have taken a back seat. I feel as if the best thing to do is level out. Get achievements and if I feel like twinking again just roll a new Paladin. The only real thing I am losing is gear and possible repuations which can be farmed, and change very little.
take it from someone who had everyone on a char - all the old ZA gear/titles old enchants...ect ect...level a new char and keep that at 70. i definatly regret it
I dont level out because of the effort it've taken me to gear and grind achieves on them, just level a new one from 1-70 and do whatever achieves you havn't done since the rest is account wide anyways
tbh just have patience with this bracket, there are only a few who stay constantly playing in this bracket. many leave at a time like this when everyone is playing at 90 ect and there isnt much activity at 70...but i can garentee that about halfway through MOP it will become active again...
tbh just have patience with this bracket, there are only a few who stay constantly playing in this bracket. many leave at a time like this when everyone is playing at 90 ect and there isnt much activity at 70...but i can garentee that about halfway through MOP it will become active again...

nah :DDD i think most people preferred being oneshotted by rogue and mage instead of a tankspec
My opinion is the same as those who've spent in excess of 100+ days on their twink played time, just level a new char. You won't get back any grandfathered gear and who cares if stuff is account wide, in your heart you know you got those cool achievements on your 70.

I've been 1 xp off dinging to 71 on my priest for over 2 years now and every time i unlock xp i'm shit nervous that i'll accidentally level.
i would never ding my 70 twink, and i did the same as vase i lvled a new priest and now its 87 but im too slacky from there on :p but indeed the bracket is pretty dead atm...
just so you call know he has 2 lvl 70 paladins on his account. So imo Jordan! just level velocitylol to lvl 85 xx
Probs gonna level the real Velo to 90, and make a new Paladin @ 70

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