Leveling a mage but only through bg's


I am gunna level a mage up to 85 but only through bg's and im gunna video each bracket. Was wondering which spec would be best all the way though or will i have to change spec as i level cause others get better. I was thinking of just going arcane the whole way through cause it looks cool. or it frost better?
i wuld say the arcane or frost the first cupple of brackets, once you hit 40+ i´d say go fire, you will be able to put out an retarded amount of dmg while having decent survivability as fire

think you will be able to have alot of fun with fire allso.

had a mate who lvl´d a Hpala this way and he was playing with a firemage from 47 to 65 and he told me it was the combo of rape.

havent played firemage in any bracket besides as a lvl 10 resi-stacking-MF but what i can get out of the spec is that it is only going to be incredi´awsome once you hit hot streak and firestarter!
Hapsen said:
i wuld say the arcane or frost the first cupple of brackets, once you hit 40+ i´d say go fire, you will be able to put out an retarded amount of dmg while having decent survivability as fire

think you will be able to have alot of fun with fire allso.

had a mate who lvl´d a Hpala this way and he was playing with a firemage from 47 to 65 and he told me it was the combo of rape.

havent played firemage in any bracket besides as a lvl 10 resi-stacking-MF but what i can get out of the spec is that it is only going to be incredi´awsome once you hit hot streak and firestarter!

I agree i was trying backets up to 63 on my mage and arcane is the shit until level 29+ fire is best
Thanks for the replys.

So i will go arcane up until 30s cause it just seems incredibly fun. Then ill go fire as you's say.

But at what level does fire drop and what other spec becomes best? and at 80-85 arcane or frost
frost still has the most control afaik. can use all your slows and roots and deep freeze for some killer cc chains.

fire is all about the burst potential, but it definitely has more survivability now than at any previous points in wow. arcane idk about, prolly the inbetween spec just nuking people from bushes with AB /shrug
towelie said:
Thanks for the replys.

So i will go arcane up until 30s cause it just seems incredibly fun. Then ill go fire as you's say.

But at what level does fire drop and what other spec becomes best? and at 80-85 arcane or frost

Fire is still best all the way throu but people go frost but if you see fucking good ass mage he will be fire
Your gona be bored, have complete crap gear, till' level 60. Otherwise it might cost alot to buy new gear every 10 levels.

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