Leveled to 21 while unsubbed.



Just looking for a little help/advice before I uninstall the game forever. So long story short my sub ran out a day ago and I verified before playing today that my account said Subscription expired before logging onto my 20. Logged in and killed a mob and ding 21. Did I just lose my 20 character or is there some way to restore it? I did put in a ticket, but I have never received any answers from a person besides Ai in the past.

I just wanted to see if there was a way out of this mess before I give up hope. Thanks for any answers in advance.
Happened to me a year ago, wrote a ticket and a gm replied and revoked my char to lvl 20 but warned me, its only limited to only once so he warned me, bc it would be the first and only time he could do that.

Best of luck mate.
Thanks, I'll wait to hear back from the ticket. 6 day 21 hour expected response time was listed so will update when I can lol.
Thanks, I'll wait to hear back from the ticket. 6 day 21 hour expected response time was listed so will update when I can lol.
If i recall, you need to wait for a time period after it runs out befote logging in. Like a "settling" period for it to take effect. You can't log in the minute after the sub ran out is my point, and do believe it was only an hour or day or something short.
Lost a killer glass-cannon mage with GF'd gear when Blizz had one of those "free" weekends where all vet accounts got re-subbed for a couple of days. Logged in and dinged to 21 immediately. Got no response to support tickets. I was devastated. I hope you have better luck with support than I did.

Just looking for a little help/advice before I uninstall the game forever. So long story short my sub ran out a day ago and I verified before playing today that my account said Subscription expired before logging onto my 20. Logged in and killed a mob and ding 21. Did I just lose my 20 character or is there some way to restore it? I did put in a ticket, but I have never received any answers from a person besides Ai in the past.

I just wanted to see if there was a way out of this mess before I give up hope. Thanks for any answers in advance.
I had my lvl 21 restored back to 20, so I know it can be done. However this was a LONG time ago.

I still think the best way might be to get noticed in order to avoid a generic "no" response. At the time I RP'd a little (mentioning it just in case you want to try something... different). Some GMs used to be nice, but I don't know how much has changed tbh.

I had my lvl 21 restored back to 20, so I know it can be done. However this was a LONG time ago.

I still think the best way might be to get noticed in order to avoid a generic "no" response. At the time I RP'd a little (mentioning it just in case you want to try something... different). Some GMs used to be nice, but I don't know how much has changed tbh.

I can confirm that at least pre-Legion, RPing gave me significantly better chances with getting GMs to do what I wanted.

These days it's a crapshoot, it took me nearly a year and like ten tickets to get a card restored in Hearthstone due to Blizzard's own bug.

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