<Level One's> Dueling Tournament


Hey guys,

My level one twink guild Level One Is having a big dueling tournament and would like anyone who wants to come come make a char. There will be prizes from a rock to any enchant you want that fits your char. Also we have gold 50g-500g are available to win. If you want to come and have fun with our guild send me a PM.
wich realm? EU or US?

Are ppl going to be funded anything to be able to participate?

Horde or Ally?

How do the tournament work? Is it a tournament tree or all VS all, 2 with most wins go to the finale or something else?

Is this a one time thing or will it be some kind of seasons? Big price for the season winner in the end?

Any special rules? Bans?

I'm not interested but I bet the people that are would want to know these things :p

Always good to write a lot of info, then ppl don't have to ask so much.
Thank you Djaeb didn't think about it. US. You will be funded in a way but not fully we want you to try and gear yourself. Alliance. It's a tournament tree we were thinking 1 of our officers would take half and the GM would take the other half and the number 1 in both lines gets to face each other the winner gets to duel the officer if he wins he goes onto the GM if he beats the officer and GM he gets the Officer Twink statis and any enchant he wants to fit his class. This is not a one time thing. It will be going on every month for now till we get alot of ppl interested then like every week. Rules are no buffs expect self buffs (scrolls, pots, rum, etc) nothing else.
This is indeed a very nice idea ^^

I tried this with CBA to Level, didn't work very well but then it isn't a very active guild. It is very fun to do tho, I hope it will work better for you ^^

Maybe record the last 3 duels and put it on youtube?

I wouldn't give officer ranks away like a price if I where you. A skilled player might still not have what it takes to be a officer, what if he is a greedy bastard stealing your guild bank?

Having it as an requirement to win/get far in the tournament for the higher non-officer rank would probably work much better.
Officer Twink is not an officer statis it just means your a amazing lvl 1 twink. Friday June 3rd

Btw Djaeb... what does CBA mean? :D Always wanted to know
Member in the guild don't say much, sadly 50-95% is usually inactive in lvl 1 guilds.

"How many active players are in the guild?" would give you a better image of the guild ^^
We got like 5-10 ppl that are active mostly officers and such but they love lvl 1 twinking just as much as everyone does.
Thats pretty active, good job with the guild ^^

Do you guys have a youtube channel? you could do some nice stuff with those numbers.
Not atm but might have to get one since u mentioned that. Yeah we got like 6ish members including me that I can get on whenever really
Squeakyjack said:
Not atm but might have to get one since u mentioned that. Yeah we got like 6ish members including me that I can get on whenever really

Great ^^

Give me a link when the channel is made so I can subscribe to it.
You could get fraps or xfire or something else. fraps works fine for me.

You need a good editing and rendering program too, if you want HD vids. I use sony vegas and it is very good but it costs so either get the trial with limited time or go criminal.

There are probably other programs too, just google it.

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