EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Mostly updated the main post. Was having a hard time figuring out if the 2 sets of recent pally solos used the bug or not, so I haven't added them yet.

There's also an 85 section now which I'll start filling later/tomorrow.

Do you mean the 100% mastery and up to 120k ap bug that still exists or the old and fixed one that let you go to 10m+ ap?
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Do you mean the 100% mastery and up to 120k ap bug that still exists or the old and fixed one that let you go to 10m+ ap?

If you're getting 120k vengeance instead of like 20k or something, I'd still consider that using the bug. That's 6 times the AP of someone who did the boss fight normally, which will have a huge effect on both dps and survival.

Best way to avoid this is to just not stack mastery (like Splosion said), which is probably the best stat decision anyway since you either want DPS or avoidance.
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Haste and hit/exp are basically the best survival stats for paladins anyway, so I can't see there being much point for having mastery, besides fights that can zerg you fast (the only ones I can think of would be PP heroic PAST enrage, and the same for sindragosa. But even then, you're not going to last long without extremely high haste.
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Haste and hit/exp are basically the best survival stats for paladins anyway, so I can't see there being much point for having mastery, besides fights that can zerg you fast (the only ones I can think of would be PP heroic PAST enrage, and the same for sindragosa. But even then, you're not going to last long without extremely high haste.

What dps do you reach with your haste gear as prot paladin if I may ask? Is it still possible to solo things like Heroic Saurfang 25m?
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

What buffs do the mages use? (flasks, potions, etc)

I usually don't use a flask but instead go for the Mastery Elixir, Elixir of the Master (225 Mastery). But not much difference between that and the int flask, (300 int). As for pots there's only one way to go really, the Volcanic Potion (1200int). And the cata int food, I use the Fortune cookie because its a lot quicker to farm mats for compared to the fish one and they both give 90 int and 90 stam.
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

This is very much a PTR experiment, but we are going to try moving Blazing Speed to the top talent tier to replace Scorch. Scorch will become a baseline Fire spell. Blazing Speed’s old position on the talent tree will be replaced with a new talent.

The new talent is currently called Flameglow, and it is a “permanently on” ability that reduces all damage taken by a flat amount, based on spellpower, up to a maximum of 30% of the hit.

For ze mages among us.
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

To stave off the controversial Protection haste issue, we are making a chance to Grand Crusader to proc from dodge and parry at 30% instead of CS and HotR at 20%. This will improve dodge and parry slightly for active mitigation purposes without negating the +haste slant that many paladins have taken.

Shield of the Righteous Instantly slam the target with your shield, causing [ 836 + 61.7% of AP ] Holy damage, reducing the physical damage you take by 30%[ 30 ] [Min 30, Max 80]% for 3 sec, and causing Bastion of Glory.

Literally laughing my ass of right now. We have capped mastery (so anything above 50% is pointless), but a massive amount more grand crusader procs. Whee for a dps buff!
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

For ze mages among us.

Is it different from over seas? Cuz this is what ours says:

Flameglow, a new talent is available at level 30 and replaces Blazing Speed. The passive ability encases the Mage in fiery energy, absorbing damage from each attack made against the Mage equal to 20% of their spellpower, up to a maximum of 30% of the attack
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

3/4 of VoA 10. Haven't spent much time on Toravon, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. /shrug


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Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Flameglow looks like shit in its latest form on the PTR, it's around 1.5k absorb at 80. And around... 3k depending on gear of course at 90. No one in their right mind is going to take that over Ice Barrier, hell even Temp Shield is better if you use it correctly.

The only benefit to the changes in talents is having Blazing Speed AND Scorch as fire. Or even PoM and Scorch if you wanted an extra instant pyro.
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

Literally laughing my ass of right now. We have capped mastery (so anything above 50% is pointless), but a massive amount more grand crusader procs. Whee for a dps buff!

So all in all, stacking parry (along with str) and dodge at 80 would be more profitable? Does P&D scale as good for Paladins as it does for DKs?
Re: Level 80 & 85 Soloing Thread

It's no different to revenge for warriors. But I'm not going to change my gearing style over it. Parry and dodge doesn't scale any differently for any plate tank, just that it's not worth going for since paladins don't have any survival issues outside of 25man boss berserk timers. Even then, we can still live longer than a dk in identical gear.

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