EU+US Level 79 cloth twink bis pieces from dungeons list based on socket number


there seem to be no socketed OHs or trinkets or cloaks from dungeons and just one socketed ring from MGT normal. let me know if you find any of these item slots socketed and scaling to level 79 please.

note: i did not include items with a sub-par amount of sockets

format: item/place to obtain/socket number

hallowed crown - the arcatraz 2 (incl meta)
hood of oblivion - the arcatraz 2 (incl meta) no 2ndrs
mana-etched crown - the black morass 2 (incl meta)
incanter's cowl - the mechanar - 2 incle meta
sightless crown of ulmaas - halls of reflection 2 incl meta
tattered glacial-woven hood - halls of relcection 2 incl meta
gaze of the unknown - GOOD SOCKET BONUS (8 crit) trial of the champion 2 icl meta

talisman of the breaker - bloof furnance 0 gems but HONORABLE MENTION - "reduces the duration of silence or interupt effects used against the wearer by 20%'!!
brilliant hailstone amulet - trial of the champion 1
symbol of redemption - trial of the champion 1

duskhallow mantle - mgt 2
fel-tinged mantle - MGT 2
pauldrons of sufferance - Old Hillsbrad Foothills 2
hallowed pauldrons - shadow labyrinth 2
mana-etched spaulders - the slave pens 2
incanter's pauldrons - the steamvault 2

cloak of the betrayed - MGT 1

scarlet sin'dorei robes - MGT 3
mana-etched vesements - old hillsbrad foothills 3
hallowed garments - shadow labyrinth 3
raiments of divine authority - blood furnace 3
incanter's robe - the botanica 3
warp infused drape - the botanica 3
robes of the augurer - the underbog 3

bindings of raging fire - mgt 1
bracers of divine infusion - mgt 1
verdisa's cuffs of dreaming - the oculus 1

mana etched gloves - hellfire ramps 2
gloves of arcane acuity - mgt 2
bloody surgeon's mitts - the blood furnace 2
manaspark gloves - the underbog 2

cord of reconstruction - MGT 2
glyph-lined sash - mana tombs 2
mindfire waistband - blood furnace 2

lifegiver britches - hellfire ramps 3
aran's sorcerous slacks - old hillsbrad foothills 3
pontiff's pantaloons of prophecy - old hillsbrad foothills 3
kirin tor master's trousers - shadow labyrinth 3
breeches of the occultist - black morass 3
khadgar's kilt of abjuration - black morass 3
devil stitched leggings - the botanica 3 no 2ndrs
pontifex kilt - the steamvault 3

slippers of serenity - auchenai crypts 2
sigil-laced boots - the arcatraz 2

kharmaa's ring of fate - MGT 1

quagmirran's eye - slave pens (no sockets, just nice effect)
pendulum of telluric currents - oculus no socket but nice effect for dot class
abyssal rune - trial of the champion (no socket / nice effect)

rod of blazing light - MGT 3
sun-infused focus staff - MGT 3

1h:battle-mace of the high priestess - mgt 1
cudgel of consecration - MGT 1
chilled heart of the glacier - halls of reflection 1
spectral kris - trial of the champion 1
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staves are better than MH/OH because you get 1 extra socket

there seem to be no socketed OHs or trinkets or cloaks from dungeons and just one socketed ring from MGT normal. let me know if you find any of these item slots socketed and scaling to level 79 please.

note: i did not include items with a sub-par amount of sockets

format: item/place to obtain/socket number

hallowed crown - the arcatraz 2 (incl meta)
hood of oblivion - the arcatraz 2 (incl meta) no 2ndrs
mana-etched crown - the black morass 2 (incl meta)
incanter's cowl - the mechanar - 2 incle meta
sightless crown of ulmaas - halls of reflection 2 incl meta
tattered glacial-woven hood - halls of relcection 2 incl meta
gaze of the unknown - GOOD SOCKET BONUS (8 crit) trial of the champion 2 icl meta

talisman of the breaker - bloof furnance 0 gems but HONORABLE MENTION - "reduces the duration of silence or interupt effects used against the wearer by 20%'!!
brilliant hailstone amulet - trial of the champion 1
symbol of redemption - trial of the champion 1

duskhallow mantle - mgt 2
fel-tinged mantle - MGT 2
pauldrons of sufferance - Old Hillsbrad Foothills 2
hallowed pauldrons - shadow labyrinth 2
mana-etched spaulders - the slave pens 2
incanter's pauldrons - the steamvault 2

cloak: X

scarlet sin'dorei robes - MGT 3
mana-etched vesements - old hillsbrad foothills 3
hallowed garments - shadow labyrinth 3
raiments of divine authority - blood furnace 3
incanter's robe - the botanica 3
warp infused drape - the botanica 3
robes of the augurer - the underbog 3

bindings of raging fire - mgt 1
bracers of divine infusion - mgt 1
verdisa's cuffs of dreaming - the oculus 1

mana etched gloves - hellfire ramps 2
gloves of arcane acuity - mgt 2
bloody surgeon's mitts - the blood furnace 2
manaspark gloves - the underbog 2

cord of reconstruction - MGT 2
glyph-lined sash - mana tombs 2
mindfire waistband - blood furnace 2

lifegiver britches - hellfire ramps 3
aran's sorcerous slacks - old hillsbrad foothills 3
pontiff's pantaloons of prophecy - old hillsbrad foothills 3
kirin tor master's trousers - shadow labyrinth 3
breeches of the occultist - black morass 3
khadgar's kilt of abjuration - black morass 3
devil stitched leggings - the botanica 3 no 2ndrs
pontifex kilt - the steamvault 3

slippers of serenity - auchenai crypts 2
sigil-laced boots - the arcatraz 2

kharmaa's ring of fate - MGT 1

quagmirran's eye - slave pens (no sockets, just nice effect)
pendulum of telluric currents - oculus no socket but nice effect for dot class
abyssal rune - trial of the champion (no socket / nice effect)

rod of blazing light - MGT 3
sun-infused focus staff - MGT 3

1h:battle-mace of the high priestess - mgt 1
cudgel of consecration - MGT 1
chilled heart of the glacier - halls of reflection 1
spectral kris - trial of the champion 1

oh: X - therefore staff from MGT is best
I stopped reading after” StAvEs ArE BeTtER ThAn Oh, BeCaUsE StAVEs hAvE an ExtRa SockEt” how are sockets the determiner now for bis, with gems being nerfed sockets for most cases still are bis, but for mh off hand that is a negative. Off hands were granted a huge main stat boost making items like talon and a high intellect off hand bis over a 3 socket staff.
I stopped reading after” StAvEs ArE BeTtER ThAn Oh, BeCaUsE StAVEs hAvE an ExtRa SockEt” how are sockets the determiner now for bis, with gems being nerfed sockets for most cases still are bis, but for mh off hand that is a negative. Off hands were granted a huge main stat boost making items like talon and a high intellect off hand bis over a 3 socket staff.
ah ye sry my mistaked, new to the bracket. was more trying to collate a list of items. Thanks for the info, my twink will be that bit stronker now :> ps what item do you mean by talon?
ah ye sry my mistaked, new to the bracket. was more trying to collate a list of items. Thanks for the info, my twink will be that bit stronker now :> ps what item do you mean by talon?

I assume
And don't worry. Welcome to the bracket :) We are mostly level 70s here, but good luck on finding things at the 79 part of twinking though! :D
[doublepost=1532734708,1532734545][/doublepost]Oh also, some loot from TotC doesn't show up in the list of drops from the dungeon journal for the first two bosses. There are some rings in there that drop which do have a socket, one of which I use on my warrior. Might want to run it a few times to see if there's anything worth getting :)
ah ye sry my mistaked, new to the bracket. was more trying to collate a list of items. Thanks for the info, my twink will be that bit stronker now :> ps what item do you mean by talon?
What shinela said. And I do appreciate the effort you put into the thread. Interested in seeing how this will continue.
I know it isn't a dungeon item that scales up for level 79's, but what about that cloak from Sunwell that has a Socket? The one from Kil'Jaeden, would that be something possible to use?
As far as I know, all legacy set bonuses are inactive? Can anyone ratify this?
Mana-Etched Regalia and the other non-class specific sets, such as Doomplate et al, retain their bonuses.


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I stopped reading after” StAvEs ArE BeTtER ThAn Oh, BeCaUsE StAVEs hAvE an ExtRa SockEt” how are sockets the determiner now for bis, with gems being nerfed sockets for most cases still are bis, but for mh off hand that is a negative. Off hands were granted a huge main stat boost making items like talon and a high intellect off hand bis over a 3 socket staff.
to be fair 2h is better than 1h+OH. Nearly same amount of primary stat and more 2nd stats.
i know just one case for 1h+OH, stacking pvp-power.

personally i pref 1h just for style.
Mana-Etched Regalia and the other non-class specific sets, such as Doomplate et al, retain their bonuses.
that's interesting. There are some set bonus which are "active" but dont work anywhere.
Do you checked that?
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to be fair 2h ist better than 1h+OH. Nearly same amount of primary stat and more 2nd stats.
i know just one case for 1h+OH, stacking pvp-power.

personally i pref 1h just for style.

that's interesting. There are some set bonus which are "arctive" but dont work anywhere.
Do you checked that?

I will repost here the content of a thread you can find on the 60-69s section.

Mana-Etched Regalia set bonus is working as intended. Here is proof
As you can see, the set bonus provides 29 (and +7 that comes with that specific hand slot, so it is a total of +36) critical rating. This results in me having a total of 91 critical rating across all my gear.

This is without the +29+7 critical rating

The set bonus is working, its even providing an extra +1 critical rating, probably just a rounding error.

NOTE: Do take in consideration that there seems to be a glitch affecting the bonus on specs that have critical multiplier passives such as Fire Mage's Critical Mass.
to be fair 2h ist better than 1h+OH. Nearly same amount of primary stat and more 2nd stats.
i know just one case for 1h+OH, stacking pvp-power.

personally i pref 1h just for style.

that's interesting. There are some set bonus which are "active" but dont work anywhere.
Do you checked that?

98+33+15= 146 sp

26e85e3e1afc104efeaa804275f2bf87.png 32+14= 46
62+33+5+1=101 46+101= 147, these arnt even bis pieces and they have more sp then staves, the loss of secondarys is a big one, but my main point was that he said "because of sockets" it was better. I'll keep looking around since i don't know 79 well before assuming there gears stats but maybe there are higher secondary one h/off h combo.
I stopped reading after” StAvEs ArE BeTtER ThAn Oh, BeCaUsE StAVEs hAvE an ExtRa SockEt” how are sockets the determiner now for bis, with gems being nerfed sockets for most cases still are bis, but for mh off hand that is a negative. Off hands were granted a huge main stat boost making items like talon and a high intellect off hand bis over a 3 socket staff.

I take staff for swag even if it’s not BIS, so I can see where he is coming from. Lmao
79 Fire Mage if anyone is interestedöckers

I'm working on getting spellfire set too, really interested to see what it will do.

Also there is some bracers in Icecrown I don't have yet.

Wouldn't mind feedback :)

Why not 2 socket belt, 2 socket boots, and 2 of the 2 socket trinkets?
There is also a 2 socket ring
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Why not 2 socket belt, 2 socket boots, and 2 of the 2 socket trinkets?
There is also a 2 socket ring
Thank you for the feedback. I'm still working on a few things with this one. What items, specifically, are you referencing? I'd love to look at them.

Also I'm working on building the Spellfire set, which is chest, belt, and gloves. More to play around with.

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