Level 60 PvE DPS


Hi folks!

Im relatively new to level 60 twinking, especially PvE.

I know feral druids are doing fine in PvP (burst dmg wise) but I have no clue about pve.

So my question:

How are feral druids performing in raids at level 60?

And; which is the best DPS class in pve at level 60?

Thanks in advance :p
best class is prolly mage. and feral druids are an iffy in pve. I never liked my dps as feral, at 60, so i lvled to 70. I'd say go balance at 60
We have mages who can pull 2k on a stationary fight. I'd expect your druid to be at like 1-1.5kish dps w/ full gear.
He doesn't use T3, he's just good. His name is Eldrazi, i'm pressed for time atm so I cannot supply you w/ an amory link. (He's usually in RP gear anyways)
Depends how you parse your recount/skada logs, I can see 2k. I can hit about 1.9k as Arcane if RNG is friendly to me and it's just a stand & nuke fight that doesn't last very long. With Wrath enchants and glyphs 2k dps wouldn't be out of the question.

Back to the topic at hand mages are pretty much going to be top DPS at lvl 60. Arms warriors, combat rogues, ret paladins put up good numbers as well. We have a highly geared kitty that also puts up great dps when we're not forcing him to tank or heal. The two classes that have fallen behind since cata are hunters - though only a little - and warlocks. Then again, our skilled, geared hunters have either class changed or haven't raided in awhile so maybe that's just my perception.
In my experience, hunters pulled the most DPS. However this was before the latest patch. Since then I have seen good geared 60 warlocks pulling 3k on bosses
Ele shamans pull a ton of DPS at that level, I'm easily hitting 2k single target fights, and fights with adds I hit around 3k+ now.
I'm sorry, but 2k and 3k as a standard is just exaggeration. Maybe my perception's just off because I'm using vanilla enchants and no glyphs, but I don't think that glyphs and wrath enchants are going to increase my DPS by 50%. Realistically speaking I've been raiding as Frost lately and often top the damage meters with about 1.4k or so DPS. If you're breaking 1k DPS you're doing good (again this is with no glyphs and vanilla enchants & consumables).
hard to do the "rotation" or hard to get big numbers? if anything the roto is easier just b/c savage roar becomes a nonissue and you have rip/rake mangle shred /shrug
Kithkaid said:
I'm sorry, but 2k and 3k as a standard is just exaggeration. Maybe my perception's just off because I'm using vanilla enchants and no glyphs, but I don't think that glyphs and wrath enchants are going to increase my DPS by 50%. Realistically speaking I've been raiding as Frost lately and often top the damage meters with about 1.4k or so DPS. If you're breaking 1k DPS you're doing good (again this is with no glyphs and vanilla enchants & consumables).

I'm talking raid buffed, in a raid, not dummies.

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