Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED


Dedicated Guide Author




Hello, since Chubakass' awesome spreadsheet hasn't been updated for quite some time and meta has changed a bit I decided to make another one that includes all good items (armor, weapons, trinkets).

I made an HTML version because I don't like google sheets and it also gives me more options. I tried to include all useful gear regardless of whether they're dungeon drops, quest rewards, BoEs, craftables etc. Legion/BFA green BoEs aren't included.

Wowhead tooltips are also available as well as a mobile layout.

I might've missed some items but there's a google form link on the main page which you can use to suggest an item to be added/removed or dm me/comment here. If anyone has any suggestions about the items, appearance, typos, etc. please say so :). I intend to update this regularly and keep it up to date. Also once Drustvar and Nazmir become lvl 20 zones I'll add those items as well.

Thanks to @Chops for helping me on the 2H weapons, @Andre on the agi weps and @Peer for his massive trinket knowledge.

I hope this is useful to new players or even some experienced ones.
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This is awesome. Thanks for this. Are the pieces in order of more favorable to least?
Nope, they are random. I can't list them from best to worst as they're all good for the given slot.
I only add items that are very close or better than the ones on the list in some way. For example - has a different stat that can be used in another build or is sligthly inferior but is a quest reward so it's much easier to get.

That being said all of the gear on the list is worth using in different scenarios so I can't really sort them.
TIL from @Ivo 's site: If we put a &ilvl=X at the end of Wowhead URLs where X is the item level we want, Wowhead scales the item and the corresponding tooltip. Thank you, Ivo! Time for me to go edit a thousand URLs.

Haha, glad I could help. There are other URL parameters that might allow you to put gems in the sockets or change the quality of an item. Haven't tested those but I might use it in the future.
@Ivo Perfect, thanks! I understand that the random i28 BoE's are probably more difficult to add or did you specifically leave those out since there's so many variables involved?

There are multiple different item families(thunder totem, stormwing etc.) and multiple variations(aurora, peerless, adaptable etc.) and tons of stat values so it will take too long to add all of them and it won't be as effective imo. The point is you won't specifically target one of those when making a build.
Yo hook the bookmark icon up, that looks like the wrong hat!

Truly great work I use this quite often!!

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