Unfortunately not, this is due to some players from some very good teams not being sure just yet of their availability. We are avidly working to find a date that suits all of the players taking part as we do not want this reschedule to jeprodize any teams taking part in the event.
I suppose since this is just for funsies and a game amongst friends. But it seems what is happening that the date is being changed to accommodate a chosen few. What happens when the new chosen date/time doesn't jibe with other people's schedules? Will it be changed yet again? If so, then that is fine and dandy. If not, then something is amiss in the land we call Twinkdom.
That is why when scheduling such events one must stick to the original schedule or it may appear that management of said event is "playing favorites" to some players. If people can't make the original scheduled date, then so be it. They will simply play in the next event.
It is of the utmost importance to keep a high degree of integrity and neutrality in events such as these if they are to continue.
Good luck and have fun everyone!!