Level 20 Arena Video


Started from the bottom
Hey guys, Im not that great at all when it comes to making videos but I did this one for fun while I was bored. Its for entertainment purposes, hope you like it! :cool:
Be sure to change it so you can view in 1080p. Thanks to everyone who did arenas with me recently!

World of Warcraft Level 20 Arena - YouTube
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some clips were interesting, but people killed in 3s is so boring to watch.

arena+burst=fail. one of the main reason i almost completely stopped arenas at the start of wolk.
Wasnt bad. Not good either. Lots and lots of terrible players in there too. Learn to use focus and be less tunnel-visioned

Also, do you have parkinson with the way you're steering??
Wasnt bad. Not good either. Lots and lots of terrible players in there too. Learn to use focus and be less tunnel-visioned
I use some focus on my rogue, but for most of my characters I use arena 1 2 3 macros, I find it more efficient. Its why my mage had 3 counterspells and 3 poly's on his bar. When it comes to 20 arena and you are playing a melee cleave, however tunnel vision it is, usually its easiest just to cleave a healer open unless a dps puts himself in a bad spot =/. Casters however can swap all day :)
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I use some focus on my rogue, but for most of my characters I use arena 1 2 3 macros, I find it more efficient. Its why my mage had 3 counterspells and 3 poly's on his bar. When it comes to 20 arena and you are playing a melee cleave, however tunnel vision it is, usually its easiest just to cleave a healer open unless a dps puts himself in a bad spot =/

I see. Didn't watch that closely but i just noticed in a clip where you had cs off cd for quite some time while enemy priest was healing away
Some of the people you played were terrible. :p

Always PW:S before renew.

You make me want to play my priest now. Fuuuuuuu
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like he said its only for entertaining purposes. if you dont like it, dont post any negative comments unless its helpful
Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior 3v3 - YouTube
this is video of my friend from server Vashj.
hes a prot warrior and hes REALLY good but some of his opponents are pretty bad but dont troll
He's actually not that great. He does some weird skillcombo's and doesn't use Shadowmeld + Charge and Charge to their full potential.
He's actually not that great. He does some weird skillcombo's and doesn't use Shadowmeld + Charge and Charge to their full potential.

question: how does a warrior use shadomeld + Charge and Charge to their full potential? please explain with detail because it seemed perfectly reasonable to me, expect for one bit where if he LOS the hunter a little more he could have gotten another charge off.

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