Level 19 Melee-Ranged Hunter

Reposting to the User Submitted Guides from my entry in the 10-19 Bracket Section:

Pooling my experience at lvl 19 as a hunter who emphasizes the use of the Hunter Melee skills interwoven with the ranged skills, I feel I finally know enough about it to make a guide for it for those who may become interested in trying out this build.

General information: A major point about the Skirmisher Hunter is to take advantage of certain important and little known details about the melee skill "Raptor Strike" and manipulating in-game mechanics surrounding the ability to your advantage, and thereby weaving it into your general rotation. There are several things that work to Raptor Strikes advantage, as well as things that simultaneously make it difficult to manage without specifically seeking to gain a mastery over the ability. While I will speak about gearing and talenting specifically for it, I feel it would be easily possible to go with many other specs with 2 points put into Savage Strikes.

Raptor-Strike Information: A strong attack that increases melee damage by 21. What it means is that your next melee white attack will instead be a Raptor Strike that hits for 21 extra damage in addition to your weapon's normal attack range.

Advantages: In other words... it works with "On Next Swing" Mechanics like Rune Strike and Heroic Strike. On Next Swing attacks neither trigger or are delayed by the Global Cooldown. That means you can easily macro another attack to them... such as Mongoose Bite. Another important thing about "On Next Swing" attacks is that they are not "Normalized"... in other words, the slower your weapon, the bigger the benefit from attack power for the attacks. For 2h Weapons, AP bonuses for normalized attacks is treated as the the weapon is 3.3 speed instead of whatever it may be. Raptor Strike is not normalized, so it recieves the full benefit of your melee attack power. Basically, it takes very little AP to boost the damage of Raptor Strike in a noticable fashion if you have a very slow 2h weapon. Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite also both recieve a 20% crit chance bonus from the 2 point "Savage Strikes" talent in the first tier of Survivalist.

Limitations: Unfortunately, there are some shortcomings you'll need to overcome when trying to take advantage of Raptor Strike's unique properties. For one... Raptor Strike is a melee attack. Second off... "On Next Swing" mechanics are tied to your weapon swing timer. Current auto attack mechanics have been set up so that an auto-shot or auto attack sets off the cooldown timers on both for their respective speed. That is to say, if you have a melee weapon with 3.3 speed and a bow with 2.4 speed, to auto-shot will prevent you from autoattacking with the melee weapon for an extra 3.3 seconds. Additionally, Raptor Strike will not be put on the ability que until you are in melee range... stepping out of melee range while it is qued but before it can go off removes it from the que. Also, most any non-cc shot will trigger your auto-shot/attacks.

Overcoming the Limitations: Thankfully, Hunters have a ranged snare or can resort to using pet abilities to overcome the melee range limitation of Raptor Strike... or often can wait for their targets to come to them. After getting into melee range, it is a simple task to wing clip them so that you may weave in and out of melee range in a jousting fashion before pulling back to use your ranged skills. The 6 second cooldown on Raptor Strike actually helps support this as well as I can easily raptor strike/mongoose, pull out to range, multi-shot/auto-shot. The auto-shot resets the 3.8 second cooldown on my BAR's auto-attack 2.44 seconds after the initial Raptor Strike, meaning that after the auto-shot, BAR will be ready to swing 6.24 seconds after the initial Raptor Strike... or .24 seconds after Raptor Strike's cooldown is up. Mongoose Bite's cooldown is set at 5 seconds. Meaning you can go into a Raptor+Mongoose > Arcane-Shot (Multi-shot if it's off cooldown) + Autoshot > Repeat rotation on a target in some situations, though most of the time I can only get into the second Raptor+Mongoose combo.

Now, the major problem to overcome with this sort of approach is the fact that Raptor Strike will only Que when in melee range. This presents a problem because the moment you get into melee range, if your auto-attack is available, you will swing automatically. If your auto-attack is turned on while you spam Raptor Strike trying to get close enough to use it, 9 times out of 10 it will be qued AFTER you auto-swing. The trick to overcoming this is turning off your auto-attacks until you are in range to use Raptor Strike. Using Raptor Strike will automatically enable your auto-attacks and cause your first attack to be a Raptor Strike if you are in melee range. This will take practice, and you'll have to remember to turn off auto attacks if you use any shots or stings during your approach on the target.

2H Weapons: The best weapon for a Raptor-Strike centric build is a very slow 2h. While 3.3 and slower are acceptable, the 3.8 speed of the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper and it's impressive damage range makes it the best for consistency... in addition to the stamina and crit rating. The strength helps with your mongoose and raptor strike damage but not much else. Overall a solid weapon for your raptor strikes.

However... I do note that there are other potential weapons to pick from.

[item]890[/item] is a solid choice at 3.4 speed, and 8 top end damage behind BAR, as well as the purely beneficial Stamina and Int bonuses.

[item]1484[/item] at 3.6 Speed is better for Raptor Strike damage than the TCS, and provides the mana that BAR fails to provide... but it also lacks the stamina that TCS and BAR both can provide. The spellpower is purely a wasted staff. But still, if you want to put out comparable Raptor Strike damage to BAR while keeping a moderate amount of mana for your mana pool, Witching Stave is a decent choice.

Now here's an interesting choice I'm gonna have to get my hands on myself... [ITEM]1318[/ITEM]. It's interesting because the vast majority of your melee attacks will have a Raptor Strike + Mongoose Bite attached to them. While lacking any stats... the potential of tacking on an additional 60-90 shadow damage to your 300+ raptor Strike Crits and 140+ Mongoose Bite Crits all at the same moment... seems like a fun idea to me at least. Another similar item that horde can give a try is [ITEM]3822[/ITEM]

It should be noted that with these weapons, the gap Between swing time cooldown after a 2.44 speed attack, and the end of the Raptor Strike cooldown is either non-existent or very close to it, so practice toggling your auto-attacks off... alot!
Races: Your choice of race will have a substantial impact on what your Skirmisher Hunter will be capable of doing. This guide is specifically for those who are dedicating their hunter to the skirmisher style.

Horde -

Blood Elf: The spec is built around a high burst potential for the specific purpose of dumping tons of damage on a player before they can recieve a heal, the AoE silence is effectively an interrupt. A Blood Elf Skirmisher Hunter is effectively a Healer Killer who can interrupt a heal while they approach or move into another portion of their rotation. Because they are in melee range alot more often than other styles of hunters, it's not too bad of a racial.

Orc: Between Blood Fury, the Command ability, and the Axe Specialization removing either 1.25% or 2.5% avoidance from players depending on their class, this is a very solid choice for a Skirmisher Hunter. Blood Fury alone would add up to 21 damage to your Raptor Strikes with a BAR, 15 Damage to your Mongoose Bite, 11 damage for your Arcane Shots, and about 15 damage for your Multi-Shot. The Command is just more damage to smile about. This would personally be my top pick for a Horde Skirmisher Hunter... because if something absolutely, positively has to die... I know an Orc Skirmisher has the means to get it done.

Tauren: A Skirmisher exposes themself to more damage than your standard hunter, the Tauren racials counteract this some, and the warstomp can allow a Tauren to achieve a similar "Healer Killer" status as a Blood Elf is able to achieve... as well as countering a rogue's avoidance with evasion before hitting the raptor strike/Mongoose Bite macro.

Troll: Bow specialization if you choose a bow as your ranged weapon. Don't feel much else about a troll would benefit a Skirmisher since you are often getting into trouble rather than trying to get out of it. Berzerking doesn't feel like it would have the same benefit to it as other racials for a Skirmisher, and the Voodoo Shuffle probably will give you a leg up vs other hunters and make it easier to get in range for your jousting.

Alliance -

Draenei: The Racial 1% hit chance makes things more reliable, and I suppose Gift of the Naaru could potentially buy you a second of life trying to kill something... feels weak to me.

Night Elf: Shadowmeld can be viewed as a defensive ability allowing you to avoid a CC with a cast time or hiding in your FR. As a Skirmisher Hunter, you can use it to set up an ambush either Defensively or Offensively. An example is often times I'll set up an Immolation Trap in the FR and shadowmeld as tracking tells me when someone is getting ready to enter. Other times, I'll set up to where I feel an EFC will attempt to retreat too and have my team mates chase them right to me. I feel that a Night Elf Skirmisher will get the most use out of an immolation trap and thusly the most justified for glyphing and talenting it. The 2% avoidance sometimes helps... but it's hardly anything dramatic. If you are picking Night Elf, it's for the Shadowmeld... so be creative with it.

Dwarf: Stoneskin isn't anything special at this bracket in the large absence of rogue poisons. The 1% crit with guns is helpful if you go with the Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon for your ranged weapon.

Pets : While many pets are viable for this sorta build, I feel only a few are worth keeping.

Crab : You'll be getting close to targets alot, the crab's ability "Pin" is effectively a 4 second root while adding a marginal amount of damage. Encrusted Tide Crawlers in Darkshore and Clattering Crawlers in Ashenvale can possibly come as lvl 19.

Spider : 4 second root, usable at range, so useful for when you wanna close distance on an enemy or if you didn't need help doing that, keeping them still as you go into your combos. Lvl 19 spiders can be found throughout Redridge and Duskwood with ease. Hillsbrad Foothills also has a number of lvl 19 spiders for taming.

Wolf : The wolf is an interesting one for Skirmisher Hunters. At lvl 19, the 43 AP... translating into 8 damage for Mongoose Bite, 8.6 damage for multi-shot (And Auto-shot with a 2.8 speed weapon), 6.45 damage for Arcane Shot, and 11 damage for Raptor Strike with a 3.8 Speed Weapon... in addition to buffing the damge of the pet itself simultaneously. Lvl 19 wolves can be found just outside the Silvermoon Entrance to WSG in Ashenvale... though lvl 18 wolves share their spawns as well. They can also be found as 19s in Shadowfang Keep and Duskwood.

Ravager and Bat : Pet stuns, effectively a short duration root and avoidance neutralizer in addition to an interrupt. The long cooldown makes it required to carefully manage its usage. (Anyone got a macro that would allow for it to be used on demand at a moment's notice?) Enraged Ravagers can be tamed at lvl 17 on Bloodmyst Isle. Lesser Scourgebats can be tamed as high as lvl 18 outside of Deatholme in the Ghostlands.

Hyena : Tendon Rip has a longer duration and shorter cooldown than other movement impairing pet abilities, so is often available to save a little bit of your mana that otherwise would have been used for wing clip. It also does not get affected by Diminishing Returns from other class abilities like Pet Stuns and Roots. Lvl 19 Hyenas can be found in a large area south of the Wailing Caverns.

Talents :

The only key talents for this is Savage Strikes in the first tier of Survivalist. it's only 2 talent points and you can spend the rest of your points on utility to support your ability to run the melee/range rotation, or to support your ranged damage potential. I'll post some builds at a later time.

That stated, here's a few builds I myself had tried... the points in Survival Instincts, while helpful, are still variable and you can put them elsewhere for your personal preference:

Close-Quarters-Immolation: This was simply the highest burst potential I could squeeze from the approach by making Immolation Trap a substantial part of the burst strategy, I've gotten more than an additional 120 non-mitigated Damage in my 3 second bursts as a result of it. Out in Mid-Field it tends to be weak because of Hunter/Lock Pets running over all your traps, but I found that it really comes into its own when fighting inside a base (The enemies or your own) where potential victims will typically try to draw you in to the perceived "Hunter Dead Zone" of Melee-Ranged by LoSing you. In these close quarters, you can best take advantage of the Immolation Trap because pets are alot more predictable... as is player movement. Using it as a base defense strategy is particularly aided by use of the Nelf Shadowmeld if you are guarding Flag Room, though while Shadowmeld was on cooldown, I had been able to hide out of LoS of the people going for the flag and let them pick up Immolation Trap as they grabbed it. Offensively, you can cover a potential escape route of the EFC and wait for your team's offense to chase them towards you. I've done over 940+ damage 3 second bursts on EFCs this way with Wolf Pet... but I'm geared for High Agility and around 1k Health. Because you'll be spending a good amount of your time in close quarters situations, this is the spec that I see the least use for Hawk Eye talent.

Imp Conc Shot + Raptor Strike Glyph: This build, trading out Trap Mastery and Immolation Trap glyph for Imp Conc Shot + Raptor Strike glyph, has been my favored spec for Midfield Assist roles. While Immolation Trap can still be used to assist in damage dealing when you are lucky enough to get it on what you want to burst (Which is a pain in the ass in midfield), it's not as big a factor... instead the Conc Shot talent is supremely helpful when you moving in on a target that is aware of your approach, and for dealing with other Hunter's Conc Shots by waiting for it to wear off, then popping out your own Conc Shot so you can get in Melee for the Burst Combo while they have no way to snare you until it's more or less too late. Raptor Strike Glyph is actually somewhat variable as you can also attempt to use the Immolation Trap Glyph, or the Arcane Shot Glyph, but the Immolation Trap is hard to make use of in Midfield... so I'd suggest deciding between Arcane Shot for mana conservation, Multishot for slightly increased frequency of Multi-shot in your burst combos, and Raptor Strike for increased survivability while in midfield, I preferred the increased survivability.

Gearing for a Melee-Ranged Burst Style really isn't all that different from gearing as any other build with the exception of what melee weapon you should equip (Which you can look above for). Just don't feel you need to shy away from Agility Gear wth Strength on it.

For my own convenience, I will just quote Duckhunt, he has a pretty solid guide for Hunter Gear at lvl 19. Be aware though, that though Int Talent does not benefit Melee Attack Power, making frequent use of Melee abilities and especially if you are trying to make use of Immolation trap is VERY mana intensive. Gearing between Int and Agi is thus a juggle between Max Burst Potential and Crit reliability vs Mana Endurance in Battle.

Either way... I suggest you stack tons and tons of Mana Potions and make it a point to try to exit combat periodically to try to reset your potion cool down and drink... because you will go OoM frequently otherwise.


Duckhunt said:
This guide has been split into individual class gear guides because of the amount of gear listed per class. To check out the lead post with links to all the other classes, click here.



Head: [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Shadow Goggles[/ITEM]

Neck: [ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM]

Shoulders: [ITEM]Champion Herod's Shoulder[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM]

Back: [ITEM]Tumultuous Cloak[/ITEM] Bandit or Elder (+3agil)/[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] (+3agil)/[ITEM]Glowing Lizardscale Cloak[/ITEM](+3agil)/[ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] (+3agil)

Chest: [ITEM]Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Tunic[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tree Bark Jacket[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Blackened Defias Armor[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Robe of Evocation[/ITEM] (+4all stats)

Wrist:[ITEM]Wrangler's Wristbands[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, Eagle, Stamina, Intellect, or Power (+9stam/+7int/mp5)/[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (+9stam/+7int)

Hands: [ITEM]Scouting Gloves[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, or Eagle (+15agil/+10haste)/[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] (+15agil/+10haste)

Waist: [ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Screecher Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Vigorous Belt[/ITEM] of the Bandit

Legs: [ITEM]Leggings of the Fang[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Smelting Pants[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Darkweave Breeches[/ITEM](+40 armor)

Feet: [ITEM]Footpads of the Fang[/ITEM] (Minor Speed Increase/+7stam/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Feet of the Lynx[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Trailblazer Boots[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)

Ring #1: [ITEM]Dread Pirate Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM]

Ring #2: [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM][ITEM]Legionnaire's Band[/ITEM]

Trinket #1: [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Trinket #2: [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Main Hand: [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM](+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/ITEM](+25agil)/[ITEM]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Advisor's Gnarled Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)

Ranged: [ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM](+2 damage)


Head: [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Shadow Goggles[/ITEM]

Neck: [ITEM]Sentinel's Medallion[/ITEM]

Shoulders: [ITEM]Champion Herod's Shoulder[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM]

Back: [ITEM]Tumultuous Cloak[/ITEM] Bandit or Elder (+3agil)/[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] (+3agil)/[ITEM]Glowing Lizardscale Cloak[/ITEM](+3agil)/[ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] (+3agil)

Chest: [ITEM]Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Tunic[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tunic of Westfall[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tree Bark Jacket[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Robe of Evocation[/ITEM] (+4all stats)

Wrist:[ITEM]Wrangler's Wristbands[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, Eagle, Stamina, Intellect, or Power (+9stam/+7int/mp5)/[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (+9stam/+7int)

Hands: [ITEM]Scouting Gloves[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, or Eagle (+15agil/+10haste)/[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] (+15agil/+10haste)

Waist: [ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Vigorous Belt[/ITEM] of the Bandit

Legs: [ITEM]Leggings of the Fang[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Smelting Pants[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Darkweave Breeches[/ITEM](+40 armor)

Feet: [ITEM]Footpads of the Fang[/ITEM] (Minor Speed Increase/+7stam/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Feet of the Lynx[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)

Ring #1: [ITEM]Dread Pirate Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM]

Ring #2: [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Channeling Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Protector's Band[/ITEM]

Trinket #1: [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Trinket #2: [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Main Hand: [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM](+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/ITEM](+25agil)/[ITEM]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Lorekeeper's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)

Ranged: [ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM](+2 damage)
Open Field 1v1

Rogue: Pretty much a given that a fight vs a rogue is quite likely to start in melee. Go for the rear arc and get wing clip on them. The proceed to kite.

Warrior: Send your pet in first and follow well behind it. The warrior has 3 options at this point... charge the pet, ignore the pet and try to charge you, get attacked by pet, and then rendered unable to charge. The third option is to run away to hump an LoS obstacle or until you lose interest in them. Regardless of the situation, the tactic will be the same, prevent charge and kite them to death. If they get into melee with you though, you can just about forget about breaking out of melee unless you got Trinket and/or a Stun/Root pet available. Pop Monkey Aspect and proceed to use Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite them, you'll have a sharp jump of damage against them every 6 seconds, plus an additional DoT to use against them every 30 seconds. You aren't totally screwed and you do have a chance to burn them down before they can burn you down.

Paladins: These guys are interesting... generally I start the fight off with a Conc shot to force either a trinket or a BoF both are fine, you're gonna wanna proceed to back strafe as you put some damage down on them via Arcane Shot. When you get them to within say 500-600 HP, switch auto shot off and prepare your burst combo... this is about the time they start considering healing themselves up, though oft times that starts at 450, really want to gauge the individual paladins on when they make this decision, you'll also want to not have Arcane Shot on cooldown. When you are ready, move in for the Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite combo, then rapidly move back for the Multi-shot/autoshot followup. Usually they'll Hand of Protection themselves if this doesn't kill them, and hence why you want Arcane Shot off cooldown at this point since it ignores HoP... allowing them to put HoJ on cooldown as you get them near your "Burst Kill Range" take a bit more confidence on your part.

Shaman: Well, if it's an FC, really not much you can do but apply a snare and attempt to Scare Beast them... otherwise, work them until the Burst Kill Range before letting loose with the combo. If they are offensive minded and treat you like other Hunters, they could end up saving you a lot of trouble by coming in close. A Stun pet is especially helpful for this fight since a well timed stun can practically guarantee a kill.

Hunters: Well, to date I've yet to see a hunter beat me 1v1 since I got fully geared up. Keep your conc shot available and advance on them. You save your conc shot until they've used up their own conc shot and its faded... while you yourself are dazed, go ahead and stay still and pop some auto shots at them, the occasional multi-shot or arcane shot. Once the daze drops, run in, hold off on conc shot until you see them attempt to retreat. Once you have your snare up on them and they don't have one on you, you will quickly shift the fight to your area of strength over other hunters, in melee. You can both expect to be wing clipped, but if you can help it, you can pop a scare beast up on them and drop a trap for extra damage when you can... especially painful if you are the Trap Mastery spec.

Priests: Forcing their Psych Scream after getting some damage on them, but before they feel pressured to heal is typically a difficult thing to manage, I just decide to go with trinketing the Psych Scream to get the kill once I get them in my Burst Kill Range (600-700 for clothies)

Mages: They'll sheep you... there's really little you can do about it. If they run up to you though, thinking somehow that melee range with you is safer, it's practically a free HK.

Warlocks: Melee Burst Macro, Multi-Shot/Autoshot, Melee Burst Macro, Arcane-Shot/Auto-shot... repeat till Warlock dead. Trinket/Bat makes the process go by faster.

Druid: Lets face it... you aren't gonna take on a Druid 1v1... your main job will likely be to be right on top of the druid keeping wing clip applied while 7 of his team mates are pounding on you relentlessly... if you have Glyph of Raptor Strike, this is where it earns its keep.
Made it to Ruin, kept the spec, and still finding it effective especially vs Hunters. Dropping a group's healer with a sudden crit streak in the middle of alot of chaos has helped out some of the teams I found myself Pugged into. 500 damage has been the low end of my 3-4 second bursts while around 700 has been fairly common.

How do I record the combat log for viewing in a text format?
Conrose said:
Made it to Ruin, kept the spec, and still finding it effective especially vs Hunters. Dropping a group's healer with a sudden crit streak in the middle of alot of chaos has helped out some of the teams I found myself Pugged into. 500 damage has been the low end of my 3-4 second bursts while around 700 has been fairly common.

this sounds pretty sexy
I approve this, I personally rock a Searing Blade with lifestealing. which I've macro'd to equip on all melee attacks. My ranged weapon how ever is Crescent Staff with 25 agility. (also macro'd to equip on all ranged attacks)
Can you record a video to show us? Not of the combat log, but of the auctually thing. Just for demonstrational purposes.
Conrose said:
Ravager and Bat : Pet stuns, effectively a short duration root and avoidance neutralizer in addition to an interrupt. The long cooldown makes it required to carefully manage its usage. (Anyone got a macro that would allow for it to be used on demand at a moment's notice?) Enraged Ravagers can be tamed at lvl 17 on Bloodmyst Isle. Lesser Scourgebats can be tamed as high as lvl 18 outside of Deatholme in the Ghostlands.

to make a macro for using a pet ability its the same as using your own abilities:

/cast {insert ability name here}

@ Present I don't have access to WoW due to the suckage that is Satellite Internet. When I'm able to get back on with a reliable connection, making videos will be a high priority, next to updating my gear... I plan to demonstrate both my Midfield Assist Build and my Trap Mastery Build.

I'd eventually like to try a Midfield Hunter Hunting Troll Hunter with a Spider, (Woot), A burst stacking Orc with a wolf, and a Healer Hating Belf Hunter... with a Bat.

Why can't there be Gnome Hunters? they'd make awesome Hunter Hunting Hunters!

Lowest priority of course will be picking good music for the Hunter Vids... sorry, I'll just have to make due with the Duckhunt theme.

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