Level 10 Warrior Twink out there...

I have to share this experience I had in WSG the other day. Me and the lil’ woman queued up in our 19’s and entered the flag room; we like to see what we have, and until now, you can usually spot the casuals (IE- anyone under 18, or at least I thought!). I clicked on a ten in our group, and thought, “Well, I’ll see if I can keep an eye out for him,†until I saw is HP- at 10, he was rocking an insane 2000 HP unbuffed! He had full fishing gear, BoA enchanted shoulders, leg patch- the works.

So then I thought, that’s cool, but he’s so low- I’ll bet he can’t hit anyone, and I’ll bet he just takes insane damage as a FC.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. He capped once and when I was running though the field on our first cap, he as destroying twinked 19’s! I was totally blown away. In the results board, he was third in honorable kills, only behind a twink hunter and lock. The only thing I wish is that I’d written down his name.

Anyone else seen crazy-low kick-@$$ twinks?
I'm not sure if you're in the same BattleGroup as myself. But there are a few level 10 twinks out there, that are haste capped, with 450 mining and skinning, (they got 450 before they reapplied the level req's) These level 10's have 2000ish hp and over 100% crit. I can name 2 people that have this. His name is imtenirl, and someone else from his guild (A rogue lvl 10) has 131.31% crit unbuffed. But yes, they do in fact do incredible damage due to the 100%+ crit chance.
i saw a lvl 10 warrior that used entis, he was almost always topping the DPS/KB charts. that was pretty funny.

level 10 rogues are always a pain in the ass due to their dodge/hp.

level 10 hunters are annoying if they can kite. almost unkillable.
I would guess- just less survivable- I'l guess unbuffed you'd be looking at 1700 +/-; and that's still viable on my server.
Druiddroid said:
i saw a lvl 10 warrior that used entis, he was almost always topping the DPS/KB charts. that was pretty funny.

I'll bet that ended right-fast when Entis was hotfixed....
Rayekk said:
I would guess- just less survivable- I'l guess unbuffed you'd be looking at 1700 +/-; and that's still viable on my server.

hrmmms I haven't checked out most of the competition on the rampage battlegroup.

But according to iaccidentallytwink, 14 rogues > 10 rogues. . .

Well I finally did the hardest part. . . I decided on a name for my twink. Undead Rogue - Hakunamatatã (alt 0227, i sigh at the retired 23 shaman that has the normal name.)
I have a hunter 10 twink myself, and they do alright provided you got some back up when running into large groups of people. As long as they got the HP to get healed they do a pretty good job of not dieing. Certain twink classes are really easy to roll over with him, but if I were to run into a 19 hunter then I just consider myself dead.

I've seen lvl 10 rogue twinks, but not many warriors. I swear I saw a whole guild of lvl 10 twinks somewhere though, and they had the 450 gathering buffs and everything. Pretty nasty to run into I bet.
Level 10 twinks has always been something that intrigues me, and Ive been researching some and been thinking about making my own - but for your own enjoyment here are some armory links to boggle your mind :p Note that most of them have 375-450 professions (but this doesn't mean they are 100% required) A have gotten some of this from the twinkinfo thread "Haste is Fun!"

Level 10 warrior (was mentioned in this post)


Level 10 rogue (in the same guild as Imtenirl)


And now come the hunters...





Notice how all of them have haste to their helm and gloves - and the hunters and warrior have 20 haste on their weapon (thus increasing their haste by 104% - ie 1 haste rating =2.6%) And along with haste they stack crit, Imtenirl has 48 crit rating, which increases his crit chance by 89.14% (ie 1 crit rating =1.857% crit) Im sure having the extra 500 HP from the mining is nice, along with the 32 crit rating from 450 skinning, and BoA shoulders (which only Imtenirl and Boderek have) But I can still see new level 10 twinks viable.

Does anyone know of any other level 10 twinks? I would love to see how mages hold up, frost bolt machine gun?? Or shamans/pallys with 2 handers? Im definitely going to continue my searching and see what I can come up with :p

*edit* imo, Haste from Tichondruis would be amazingly fun to play...95% crit, 1.2 shoot speed, and 1500 health? That would blow shit apart...
Wow @ Boderek. Thats amazing. Hardcore grandfathering right there.
Ultiknight said:
hrmmms I haven't checked out most of the competition on the rampage battlegroup.

But according to iaccidentallytwink, 14 rogues > 10 rogues. . .

Well I finally did the hardest part. . . I decided on a name for my twink. Undead Rogue - Hakunamatatã (alt 0227, i sigh at the retired 23 shaman that has the normal name.)

I never said that 10's aren't as viable. I just prefer 14 because the total damage output is superior.
greetings from Tichondrius-DE :)

playing hasty is very funny,seeing 19 twinks fail against my level 10 twink makes me so happy. Hasty was a smart twink project but now it's the twink I like the most.

If blizzard removes leg enchants and profession buffs for twinks, I would level Hasty up to level 19 I think.

or maybe I would still play him on level ten.

With Boa 2hand axe and skinning 225 I could reach 55% crit and put +10 haste rating on my pants and with the patch autoshot has 15% haste,thats 5% more then I have now.

Don't know if it will be funny to play with around 900 hp,55% crit and 135% more speed.
Hi Hasty!! Love your character, honestly I do, have been mooshing my brain in deciding if I want to give it a shot or not:p Im sure 900hp, 55% crit and 135% haste would still be fun. Littleblood only has 500 HP, and 35% crit - and I would imagine it is fun, seeings how he has 23k honorable kills xD
There are several L10's in our battegroup. The warriors rock over 100% crit. While I don't see a lot of damage output from them in premades, they are annoying and relentless on your flag carrier.

I was working on building a L10 haste frost mage. I stopped because there is a casting haste cap and you can really only get down to around .9ish second Frostbolt, but the global cooldown is reduced way down, to the point that it just feels a lot faster. Plus, missing is a concern.

Fun to experiment with but you know at some point in the future that L10's and their incorrectly scaled ratings will get nerfed.
So - the other day I created a hunter, a troll hunter (because trolls are the best race in the game :p) and at level 10, after slapping on some haste enchants and 50 AP 12 crit to green pants, I did a wsg...probably the most fun I have EVER had in a BG in a long, long time. 19 rogue twinks were probably the most fun - all they have to do is hit me 4 times...IF they can catch me ^^

19 hunter twinks and warlock twinks eat my face :p But almost everything else I stand a good chance against. Ambush rogues are hard..1 shot all the time xD

But after doing that BG - I have seriously comtemplating making another hunter, and twinking him at level 10. like fishing boots/hat, 225 proffs.
hi hasty i have a 10 hunter with 0.86 speed and like 100 ap with aspect but im not done working on more ap and health and plz if u have any suggestions plz hit me up in PMs look up my hunter on the armory...the name is swiftshot :)
it all depends on your class...

hunters are all good gets lots of crits and all, but seriously, to be competitive with stats you'd need to be lower level then 19. but when it comes to be fully twinked you have to be at least 15 to get glyph and that helps a lot. not too mention how level compensate by giving you stats per level.

usually 1 point per level in each stats and a good 2 point in your class specific stat.

like a hunter gets...

+2 agility

+1 stamina

+1 intellect

not sure if we receive spirit or strenght, i thinks we do once in a while though.

so it all depends on what you want.

for melee class i think the best possible setup would be level 14 fully geared. gets you the best stats. same could go for casters. but for a hunter, you definitely need to be at least 15 for the glyph of the monkey, its an absolute !

by the way ratings now all consider you as a level 34, or are supposed to.

because the stats were a lot more at level 10 then that. like 10 haste would give you 40% or 12 dodge rating was giving you like 20% and more. so things have really changed a lot. tell yourself that !

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