Wow awesome... debating on making a 10 twink now... :O. Anyone have any idea of what is most OP class for level 10 alliance?(human)
is that what wsg looks like in low graphics... wow
Well if u said monk, even if they 1 shot people i hate playing em so i wouldn't i just don't know this bracket at all, and i was just wondering, didn't want to seem like someone who just plays OP classes to dominate. I was jw...This attitude is the living reason why people don't enjoy 10-14 EXP OFF bracket. (in case you did not get the picture; ppl only play the FOTM and QQ when I kill them)
The only OP class I personally feel entitled to let you play as is a warlock.
Aren't you worried about leveling to 11? Or how does it work?
I believe that was footage from EXP OFF bgs But for exp on we usually hold the flag all game long and afk out at the last minute, since in WSG you gain exp from flag caps.
Oh my bad, I missread the title Thanks for the reply. I'm new to the twinking scene so that's why I asked.
always a pleasure
btw, are you us or eu? :d