Level 10 Twink Warlock Tíme-Ravencrest


Any feedback is accepted.
This twink was made on the realm Ravencrest without gold so everything was from scratch
All gold earn was on my level 10 with no friends to help me out.
Rate out of 10 please
Gear -/10
Encahants -/10
Best in slot -/14 (Helmet, Neck, Cloak, Chest, Wrists, Gloves, Belt, Legs, Boots, Ring, Ring 2, Trinket, Trinket 2)
Character Name -/10
Transmog -/10


very nice, getting there, looks like you need more skinning skill (easier to get than herbalism)

Needs lesser healing / swim speed / swiftness potions

Needs glove upgrade too and forget the 20 Fire SP on gloves, 10 haste or 16 spell power is way better

+12 PVP power on cloak

Get the guild standards too worth the gold if you can make it. it can turn some of those 3 honor kills into 4 honor

There's some quest cloth boots you can get as optional choices that are nice
Trogg-slayer boots
Harvester boots

nice shoulder enchant
I count 9 or 10 BiS items

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