Level 1 Goblin Twink


Hello TwinkInfo,

Since one of the two ways I know has gotten public on various other sites as Ownedcore I see no reason to keep it from TwinkInfo anylonger,

For a long time you have been unavailable to summon low levels from or till the Island with RaF summon, but you simple aint any longer. Atm you can summon every horde faction low level over to the island, the questes seems to be goblin only tho, so basicly summon a goblin to OG and lock your experience. After that you will need to go to the second island as some of the questes on the first island has a level requirement, there is various ways to get to the second island so I wont start to write all those ways down.

Best regards Shamatix - Destroluck

TL: DR Use RaF summon out / over to the Islands.
Ye I know, was mostly to inform people that they can easyly make a lvl 1 goblin twink atm^^

Well one of the "legit" ways to get to the second island will be to level your raf acc untill that goblin gets over there and then summon your level 1 over there, that way you will also have a high level goblin that can help you out with the mobs if needed ^_^
Well one of the "legit" ways to get to the second island will be to level your raf acc untill that goblin gets over there and then summon your level 1 over there, that way you will also have a high level goblin that can help you out with the mobs if needed ^_^

Yea... But getting hit stuff is just easier :p
Yesterday I sent my new account a RAF from my main. I got the confirmation e-mail form blizz but the activation link they gave me is broken, and has been for 24 hours now.

When I click it, it says "This web page has a redirect loop"
Yesterday I sent my new account a RAF from my main. I got the confirmation e-mail form blizz but the activation link they gave me is broken, and has been for 24 hours now.

When I click it, it says "This web page has a redirect loop"

I'm assuming you're using Google Chrome? Regardless, all you need to do is delete your cookies and then click the link again. Happens to me from time-to-time, but it's just a browser issue...nothing to do with Blizz
I'm assuming you're using Google Chrome? Regardless, all you need to do is delete your cookies and then click the link again. Happens to me from time-to-time, but it's just a browser issue...nothing to do with Blizz

You have magical powers.
I have an inactive account and it's been inactive for a few months if anyone wants to do RAF just message me.
A easy way to do this is RaF with a trial account, no need to buy games / game time either^_^for this exploit:p
I'm assuming you're using Google Chrome? Regardless, all you need to do is delete your cookies and then click the link again. Happens to me from time-to-time, but it's just a browser issue...nothing to do with Blizz
Or do like me and crystalpall and use internet explore/firefox. It was not easy, Crystalpall cant see the color yellow anymore and i am suicidal, actually dont do it, you might get a bigger brain damage than me and crystal. I wish you would have told us before :)
Hey guys, since we already have a thread like this help me with one thing:

I've got my friend to get himself a RAF 2nd account to summon his warlock to Gilneas to warlock summon my F2P paladin (uff, was a lot of work to make this happen).

I do 5 quests and bam - out of quests. I can't proceed further because my F2P is a Paladin and there is no "get lvl 3 and use your lvl 3 ability" for paladins at Gilneas.

We tried everything - summoning to different phase, sharing quests... I'm all out of ideas.

Could you help me skip that one quest and proceed with quest chain? I would love to get some pieces for transmog and I need only a few quests for 1k quests done achievement!
well...seeing as how a Worgen can't be a Paladin...I don't see why Blizz would put in an option for you to keep questing in a Worgen only 'instance'

did you try doing the level 3 human/dwarf/draeni quest then going back to Gilneas?
well...seeing as how a Worgen can't be a Paladin...I don't see why Blizz would put in an option for you to keep questing in a Worgen only 'instance'

did you try doing the level 3 human/dwarf/draeni quest then going back to Gilneas?

I did it, but like 2 years ago. My Draenei is lvl 20.
I've been trying this out, but whenever I try to cast summon friend, whenever it finishes casting it gets aborted saying "invalid target". Did this get fixed or am I doing something wrong?
I've been trying this out, but whenever I try to cast summon friend, whenever it finishes casting it gets aborted saying "invalid target". Did this get fixed or am I doing something wrong?

You have to be in party, have yourselves in friend list and be same realm. If that doesn't help write again we'll try to help.

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