Level 1-19 Twink video compilation!

Noo said:
Try and get a working link of Madocks 19 Warrior Video? That guy was really good from what I remember ;)

Ants video is nice. He's a really good warrior aswell, played against him when I was on Rampage with my mage :)

I'll try

Noo said:
I think he's putting a thread together of decent videos, so if a new twinker joins the forums. Instead of asking lots of questions, about classes and what to play. Is this viable etc. Watching videos helps understand, improve gameplay & helps decide what class to play :p

Yeah that's pretty much it. link me videos plz xD

update: Maddocks video doesn't work, i'll keep an eye out for it though.
Spooksters said:
woah Ego, now we're talking >8} Get some vids of our fapping to the maxxing...uhh i mean...what?

But yes, we need some dope level 1 twink vids :p Can't decide on what boa gear I should be using on my pally, if any xD

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Lawlpurge said:
as in THE Athene? the annoying guy with the hot gf who posts funny youtube vids?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry0j96jC9NI"]Level Ten Twinking via 3.2[/ame]

not that great imo
Description from the video

Character - Artemís

Server - Lightbringer

Crit Chance Unbuffed - 40% rounded up, no BoAs, in this vid I push 90% with dragon slayer

Attack Speed - 1.37

Just for fun
K :p

I'll find a video with a level 10 twink kiting a level 19 rogue around wsg, that takes skill! :D Kidding, but its funny =3.
Here is a video of a rogue I used to know on Vek'nilash. Name is Beastly from the <Chosen Few>, he's got about everything you can think of as a twink. This video is of him critting around 3k a few times

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIIEBUR3wLc&feature=related]YouTube - Beastly 3000ish Level 19 Crit[/ame]

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