Let's make 3.2 patch day TWINK PRIDE DAY!

pereith said:
Isn't it ironic how we ended up with the name twink. How suitable that name is. For years we have been despised, having players demand our very existence be ended. And why? All because they didn't want to get with us and go twink on twink, and were horrified by the idea of twink on non-twink action ;)

I'm suggesting we all get together to make the 3.2 patch day an official twink pride day, where we come out, show that we're still here, still twinking, and laugh at anyone who's still against us, proving that we're not the losers here, by simply saying "OMG you're pathetic. You're still whining?" then enjoying the smug satisfaction, as they finally SHUT THE HELL UP, because they've got NOTHING left to bitch about.

Maybe we could arrange a bunch of all twink premades (Spam the LFG channel!), do some twink recruitment drives, boost swaps, whatever.

Fill trade with something like:

3.2 patch day is coming and will be TWINK PRIDE DAY!

Join us for twink only BGs, boost swaps for those items you would have dinged trying for, and best of all the smug satisfaction that Blizzard acknowledges our right to exist, and the whiners no longer have a good reason to whine!

Roll a new alt and level it to 19, and we'll all come out together!

(Probably not a good idea to mention HARDCORE TWINK ON TWINK ACTION!)


Twink is also slang for Gay. Meaning we'd start a gay pride day. Also, twink isn't derived from Hostess Twinkies, it's derived from the nickname, Twinkies, from the low level Everquest chars that could get the bronze armor.
Ego said:
My nipplez have just become erect.

As kinky and erotic your post was, I like the idea. I know I'll definately be on my level 1 twinks celebrating no xp :D

*dusts off Turtle Mount*

OMG L1 twinks! Totally forgot about them!

Erm, pre-teen twink raiding action? XD

Wow, AGMs for a L1, among other things :)
Deathgrip said:
Twink is also slang for Gay. Meaning we'd start a gay pride day. Also, twink isn't derived from Hostess Twinkies, it's derived from the nickname, Twinkies, from the low level Everquest chars that could get the bronze armor.

Your powers of observation serve you well.


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