Less than 24 hours till AB weekend

It depends on the time you queue. I've been in 5 caps that end in a few minutes, I've been in long drawn out close games. I've seen 24s, multiboxers, 200HP keyboard turners, AFK bots, pretty much everything you'd expect. There were some great games, and on the other end there were some walk overs from both sides. Overall, I think AB weekend has been a success, at least from my perspective.

I'm one win off veteran, although I don't see resilient victory being an easy one to pug. Maybe if I join midfail and manage to turn it around, that's how I got it last time. Joined a 5 cap, then 5 capped them right back. Sure, there are negative aspects, but just go and do something else if you aren't enjoying the games you're getting and try again later. The games change dramatically depending on the times you queue. The same can be said of any aspect of the game really. It all depends on the people you're playing with.
just zoned into an AB and there are 9 alliance hunters on the other team. 5 of them night elf, 2 of them human, 2 of them dranaei (!)

alliance players complaining about anything in this bracket should be a bannable offense on this forum
i was in a game just a min ago as well with all hunters and horde only had 2 and i was one of them lets just say we got 5 capped real fast

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