For those who want to try the Enh Shaman in less than 4hours (lvl10, 9x green item lvl10), here it's how to do it:
1- Create a female dwarf (they are better than any race/gender combo).
2- Do all the quests in the starting zone
3- At Kharanos, don't take any quest and fly Stormwind.
4- From Stormwind, head to the human starting zone quest and do all the quests
5- Head to Goldshire and do the chain quests A fishy Peril and all the quests in the Eastvale Logging Camp
6- Head to Westfall, on the way, do the 2quests at Westbrook Garnison (and turn them)
7- In Westfall, just do the 1st quest to get cloack +1 agi. and then head to Gol'Bolar Quarry in Dun Morogh
8- From Gol'Bolar, walk to the eastern gate to get the quest The Lost Pilot (At this moment, you are already lvl10)
Done. you got something like this.