EU <Legionize Ones> The Network for EU LvL 1 Twinks


Legionize Ones.jpg
<Legionize Ones> Is the new Network and Guild for the EU LvL 1 Twink community. LO Funds and Recruits new as old members of the community and hope to revive the bracket and link the community together. Today there is a few/cupple of LvL 1 Twinks out there, but they are split apart. LO will work as the Network connect the community as One.

  1. Info
  2. Mindset
  3. Events and Focus
  4. Partnership
  5. Contact
1. Info
  • Server - Outland
  • Faction - Alliance
  • 6-16-2016
  • Funds & Recruits
  • PvP
  • Pve
  • Youtube (Soon to come)
2. Mindset
<Legionize Ones> works just as our sisterguild liféless. The idea on what the LvL 1 community really is and what there is to offer has it's roots and are based on Royanz the current leader of liféless, this is the guy who set the standards of the modern LvL 1 Twink. Royanz have allways had the greatest of ideas when it comes to the community and allways worked his hardest to make it what it used to be and what it in parts are today. This is were we pick up what he started.

LO now is formed on a populated server, the guild has the resources to Fund to 110% the idea is that LO in parts will work as a standard Guild. But mainly LO will work as a Network for the community. LO will run events and be the connection between individuals, small groups of 1 Twinks such as big Guild such as liféless and Level One Twinks.

Events and Focus
When it comes to the guild itself focus will lay on both PvP and Pve.
When we speak about PvP we will run events such as FFA Arenas and World PvP. This is for sure set to be repeated and a consistant event for the Guild and the community as a whole!
When it comes to the Pve oriented part of the Guild focus will lay on Raids. Big attempts with 4-++ members against high level Rares and Elites. To this the Guild will attempt 2vRare/Elite as a daily event depending on what each member feel like doing.

LO will with all this run a list of what the community have succeded to Raid or what members succeded to Solo with videos as provement. (A list of this will be added later on)

As mentioned before <Legionize Ones> will work as a Network for the community. LO will be a source for newcomers and oldies to the community to check what Guild, or group suits each individual the best and provide her/him with the information needed. LO will track all groups and Guilds and keep track and be this Network between each individual and groups.
  • Guilds
  • <Legionize Ones> - Oultland Alliance - Vibecka#2944
  • <liféless> - Bronzebeard Alliance - Royanz#2390
  • <Level One Twinks> - Dunemaul Horde - .....
  • <Close to Two> - DieArguswacht Alliance(German) - Nico24TWINK#2494
  • <One> Bronze Dragonflight Alliance - Jolley#2457
  • (Reply down if you have a guild or someone is forgotten)
CurseRoom - Hangout
Server - LvL 1 Twinks EU

5. Contact
For future contact, questions or just to find
your way into the Guild or the LvL 1 Community
contact someone down the list.

  • Vibecka (Legionize Ones GM) - Vibecka#2944
  • Strivv (Legionize Ones Officer) - Gabbe#2250
  • Royanz (liféless GM) - Royanz#2390
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Heya, I recently returned to WoW and twinking after 4-5 years break. Not sure what you mean by guild network, is this some cross server stuff? Can I join a guild that isn't on my server or what? If that is the case, I'd like to join. Anyways, add me so we can discuss and plan events perhaps phildachil#2334
Heya, I recently returned to WoW and twinking after 4-5 years break. Not sure what you mean by guild network, is this some cross server stuff? Can I join a guild that isn't on my server or what? If that is the case, I'd like to join. Anyways, add me so we can discuss and plan events perhaps phildachil#2334
What we mean is that our guild will be having contact with all other guilds and organise and host events. You can only join the guild with a char on the same server ofc, but if the char is made on other servers we will inv you to out groups and events
Good luck with the community! You definitely have a very large Web of contacts already. I'm sure this is going to be a great move for EU 1s!!

Much love from US 10s
Thanks mate! Awesome to hear this from you, a well respected and known as a legend when it comes to 10 twinking!
<Legionize Ones> Are still in the progress of recruiting and funding! Many have made a jump straight into the guild and got themself a fully geared char with all the parts that we are able to help with!
If you feel like getting a char geared! Just contact anyone in the information above!

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