He sits on wow all day I don't think he knows you play different gameshow 2 fakecast? o they pop cds i'll pop some cds too, let me dispel u kek /afk
He sits on wow all day I don't think he knows you play different gameshow 2 fakecast? o they pop cds i'll pop some cds too, let me dispel u kek /afk
Funny how you got glad in the shittiest time of wow pvp. GJ reetLOL the fact that you think healing now is easy is a joke, you're a twinker, you have no idea. Like you said before, you don't play endgame, so where are you to say how the game state is? Healing now is the hardest it's ever been, at least before in previous seasons when you topped off your partner they were safe, at least for a little while. As hpal you CANT EVEN TOP OFF SOMEONE. You can spam cast heal and it does absolutely nothing. So no, i'm not dodging any sort of 'debate', i'm dodging because you have no idea what you're talking about and I don't feel like trying to explain something over and over to a brick wall. period.
I didn't play 3s until season 3 of wod and I got 2400 my first season with no voice. You actually don't know who I am or what i'm about so. just go back to your twinks.Funny how you got glad in the shittiest time of wow pvp. GJ reet
See you in the gulch kiddoanyways, see ya.
Lolhotpocket is a 15 year old dude who didnt start playing arena until after the good pvp expansions, he was stuck at 2400 until the end of wod, he's now found the class that suits him because it only has instant casts and now he's broken into the big boy league of 2500. luckily for him this is the gladiator cutoff, his gladiator title will fade next season so lets let the champ have his moment ok guys
he has enough stress in highschool
I've never seen something so wrong, nice story though!hotpocket is a 15 year old dude who didnt start playing arena until after the good pvp expansions, he was stuck at 2400 until the end of wod, he's now found the class that suits him because it only has instant casts and now he's broken into the big boy league of 2500. luckily for him this is the gladiator cutoff, his gladiator title will fade next season so lets let the champ have his moment ok guys
he has enough stress in highschool
I thought you left? Now you're a liar!I've never seen something so wrong, nice story though!
I've never seen something so wrong, nice story though!
Stop he is getting cooked to hard hahahaha shit so good Lolok i guessed your bday was in the wrong half of the year, you're 16 instead?
also back in my day a 55% winrate in arena meant you were stuck in 1600-1700 not a glad wtf happened
Nah not a bully, just the 3 idiots of xpoff teaming up. All g all g, homies gotta back eachother up! I'm leaving now though, Take care.
ive been 2200 since i was 13
You argue as if I'm 1500, I then prove I'm 2400 and then you try to downgrade that fact even tho' it's top 3% which isn't that bad.