Legion set bonuses


With the arrival of the Legion pre-patch set bonuses from expansions prior to WoD will be removed, as many of you might already know. This has an enormous impact on twinks from 60s-90s. I created a thread yesterday on the WoW General Discussion forums and I'd greatly appreciate if you checked it out, gave it a thumbs up or left your feedback on it. Thank you. :D
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EU also has a topic if you want to support this;

Me and Anvarra are bumping it but we need someone else to voice their opinions as well.
Can NA Accounts post of EU Forums? If so I will make a comment (bumping the post) when I get home. IDGAF if some Set Bonuses are broken or the Ability no longer exists, Blizz should just fix those and not harm the ENTIRE Community out of laziness. Quite frankly End Game and Level Cap Content in WoW these days is garbage. Too few want to play that and too many want to play some Level of older Content.

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