EU Legion & my mentality.


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The Mentor
Legion & my mentality.

Legion, another xpac where our community has faded due to game content, also to the lack of competitiveness and basic mechanical gameplay. Many old school players have now either, gone or just lurking till 19s scene improves.Although that percentage is not the whole community. While I was away I thought to myself new twinks in their prospective think this is the best content they are g get. Hence this decision to make a new guild. I've never had time for new twinks it was either you picked up the meta or get disbanded . This is now not my mentality in a sense, my mission isn't a REVIAL but to build a guild with content for the EU community on which this guild will be a core to help new twinks and also a place for the old who still play. It'll come with PvE content (tournament runs) and along with PvP (premades, arena events etc..) I don't want to give a lot away till the actual thread is out but this is to aware EU what's about to happen.

So again please don't message me lecturing about legion this is a decision made because I think making private servers isn't the future of twinking, not saying it's a bad idea and I'll still play it but I also want to give retail a chance while I can.

Vote - Would you like it to be a all round bracket guild?

This please vote and share your own opinion and ideas for the Guild that i might not have! The guild post isn't going to be posted and behind the scenes wouldn't be solved till the 25th of September. So till then If any EU member would like to help e.g. Ranks,Donations (Guild) or just advice feel free to Inbox me or state on this thread.

Legion & my mentality.

Legion, another xpac where our community has faded due to game content, also to the lack of competitiveness and basic mechanical gameplay. Many old school players have now either, gone or just lurking till 19s scene improves.Although that percentage is not the whole community. While I was away I thought to myself new twinks in their prospective think this is the best content they are g get. Hence this decision to make a new guild. I've never had time for new twinks it was either you picked up the meta or get disbanded . This is now not my mentality in a sense, my mission isn't a REVIAL but to build a guild with content for the EU community on which this guild will be a core to help new twinks and also a place for the old who still play. It'll come with PvE content (tournament runs) and along with PvP (premades, arena events etc..) I don't want to give a lot away till the actual thread is out but this is to aware EU what's about to happen.

So again please don't message me lecturing about legion this is a decision made because I think making private servers isn't the future of twinking, not saying it's a bad idea and I'll still play it but I also want to give retail a chance while I can.

Vote - Would you like it to be a all round bracket guild?

This please vote and share your own opinion and ideas for the Guild that i might not have! The guild post isn't going to be posted and behind the scenes wouldn't be solved till the 25th of September. So till then If any EU member would like to help e.g. Ranks,Donations (Guild) or just advice feel free to Inbox me or state on this thread.

I know how some players enjoy the competitive aspect of 19's, i Que 19's on US Daily since my return about a month or so now ago. it is very enjoyable, but i also feel like the majority of Players that do not play would rather enjoy xpoff vs xpoff bracket format, instead of Xpoff vs Xpon Bracket Format. i'm a fan of Legion 19's for the main purpose being the Revamp Bracket style that is supposed to mimic Pre-Wrath/BNet Merge. it does upset me that gear doesn't matter but i'm having fun. it feels good to not have to wait 30+ minutes for a que that only consists of xpoff players. :)
I see no reason to exclude certain brackets, unless you are focusing on a bracket yourself in the sense you wanna go somewhere with the guild, other than building a community. A lot of people play multiple brackets these days, and thus we should welcome diversity. My "main" bracket will always be 19, but this is just a general thought to add.

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