Leggings of the verdant oasis


I'm just curious as to how I obtain these. It says they are a reward from a level 36 quest. How do I get them at level 29?
My guess is be level 29, do Mara, and see if you get the quest when you go to fight Princess. It is a quest you automatically pick up, so if you don't get it, you're probably too low.

If other 29s have it, then it should be doable.

go into mara, turn around and jump off the waterfall. the quest will be given to you automatically as you swim to shore. From there the mob you need to kill is like 100yds away. i was worried theyd be hard to get but i got em yesterday in less than 10 min
If you are horde on any us server i can run you as subpar says takes less than ten minutes, and i have "have group will travel" and it works cross server.
so I guess I can get the quest and get a higher level friend to kill the mob for me since dungeon finder can't bring me there?
WpGCoss said:
so I guess I can get the quest and get a higher level friend to kill the mob for me since dungeon finder can't bring me there?

You get a high lvl toon, have them go into mara princess wing and summon you with have group will travel, then you jump into the water, the quest will pop up on your screen you accept it, then follow them to the princess, when she dies you click the button to complete the quest. Have group will travel ONLY works at the top of the falls where the high lvl zones in if he jumps down he cannot use it i do not know why(will work cross server but ONLY in instances), the main reason you use it is to save you the time of walking down there,also once you get the quest done let the mobs kill you and take rez sickness to pick up the flight paths out there if you don't already have them. This is important because several other items you should be looking at are from quests out there.

I can do this for you on real id right now, takes 10 minutes max, but again i don't have an alliance that can, just a horde.
well I'm playing on horde side so that would work pefectly. I'll send you a PM with my real id info.
Franchi said:
get my real id i'm parked down there and can do it right now!

cant get in game right now. seems like i log in just in time for games every night... ill log over between/after games tonight and get your info

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