US Legacy raiding (WotLK) <You think you do> [A]WRA

Still doing MC/BWL twice a week, starting AQ40 runs on Monday. All crucial roles filled, play what you like and come join us for good times! :)
Need some Ranged Deeps
Cleared AQ40 last week, BC to start up on Monday!
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Kara destroyed yesterday. More of T4 content on Wednesday!
Gonna do some Gruul's and some smaller Kara groups tomorrow. Daily heroic spam, inhouse BGs, and other shenanigans. :>

@Blackberryy That's fine, we'll be doing throwback nights every so often!
T4 cleared last night, SSC on Friday!
Reclearing T4/T5 on Wednesday before we begin our T6 Progression. Great time to join!

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