Leg Armour Enchants


Afaik, +24armour is the best you can get on BoP items. But; has anyone realised, you can get; +40armour on BoE items, and it doesn't bind :)

Enjoy. I'll update this if I find anymore LW things out. Doubt it. Rest seem bindable afaik.
gr1pp said:
+24 armor is still good enough to oneshot nontwinks, and that's the only thing most people care about.

True, I know it's only another +16armour, but oh well. Were here to find the of the best stuff. I know it's not much, but still; worth a post, imo.
Noo said:
if it's old news, why are people still running around with +24armour; even on BoE gear?

I equipped gear w/ +24 armor and don't see too much reason to drop another 300g for that additional 16.
Noo said:
if it's old news, why are people still running around with +24armour; even on BoE gear?

Because Rugged Armor Kits are not working as intended, and therefor an exploitation of broken game mechanics?

Oh and haha Noo, you're really late on that one. Everyone's known about it since it was discovered ~1 week after the release of Patch 3.1.
I actually didn't know you could get 24 armor on BoP legs... or is it grandfathered now that the durability glitch is fixed?
Rayu said:
I actually didn't know you could get 24 armor on BoP legs... or is it grandfathered now that the durability glitch is fixed?

24 Armor to BoPs is grandfathered.
Rip said:
Because Rugged Armor Kits are not working as intended, and therefor an exploitation of broken game mechanics?

Oh and haha Noo, you're really late on that one. Everyone's known about it since it was discovered ~1 week after the release of Patch 3.1.

r0fl. yeah I'm always late on everything I think. I posted it, cos' I see everyone running around with +24armour leg enchants, that was all.

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