I know alot of you have skill, BUT your tantrums about a 24 geared healer caused me to get dropped and lose a cap tonight. he decided that defending his honor against you was more important than healing me, the FC.
dropped by an alli 20 hunter cuz i thought i could go NUTS AND 2v4 a geared hunter and some scrub 20s, but nope. my healer was typing to you instead of healing. sexy loudmouth horde 20 hunter, you know who you are. starts with an I
leave us poor 24s alone!
dropped by an alli 20 hunter cuz i thought i could go NUTS AND 2v4 a geared hunter and some scrub 20s, but nope. my healer was typing to you instead of healing. sexy loudmouth horde 20 hunter, you know who you are. starts with an I
leave us poor 24s alone!