Lay off the bad 24s


I know alot of you have skill, BUT your tantrums about a 24 geared healer caused me to get dropped and lose a cap tonight. he decided that defending his honor against you was more important than healing me, the FC.

dropped by an alli 20 hunter cuz i thought i could go NUTS AND 2v4 a geared hunter and some scrub 20s, but nope. my healer was typing to you instead of healing. sexy loudmouth horde 20 hunter, you know who you are. starts with an I

leave us poor 24s alone!
I thought this was a fun post. :)

I agree, regardless whether concerning 24s or 20s, extensive insulting rants in /bg are really not productive. But I recommend simply ignoring the person going off, that way only one person stops contributing to the game and your chat-window will not be flooded with nonsense eclipsing potentially useful information.

I started doing this after suffering through almost a complete game of two players throwing seriously offensive language at each other and both ceasing to do anything for the team.
I agree, regardless whether concerning 24s or 20s, extensive insulting rants in /bg are really not productive.

ty =)

i know i'm on the bad end as a 24. even so... play as a team.
Poor 24s. Really?

heck yeah. we get swarmed with hate by you 20s.

we're just trying to play a game just like you.. except we can afford it. (jokes)

edit: not so much jokes... we pay to keep your pvp pure and exploit-free. try to pvp in an f2p game... i guarantee exploiters run rampant cuz the company doesn't have the funds to ensure "game integrity."
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oh look one of these threads again, every time someone QQs at a 24 go global 10 f2ps, i'm predicting lots of f2p deaths over this thread :)
I know alot of you have skill, BUT your tantrums about a 24 geared healer caused me to get dropped and lose a cap tonight. he decided that defending his honor against you was more important than healing me, the FC.

... wait who are you mad at here?

I'd reprimand the moron who didn't heal me cause he was typing, not the person who provoked him.
No matter how many excuses you have, you know deep down that you suck and that you have to cheat because youre not good enough to keep up with us.;
No matter how many excuses you have, you know deep down that you suck and that you have to cheat because youre not good enough to keep up with us.;

the irony from a ret pally :O

anyhow, deepdown when i global a f2p i think yay my twink is more OP than he's, because that's what twinks are for :). but you keep telling your self that the guy who just globaled you sucks, if it makes you feel better /pat.

Its not like that because Blizzard is poor (lol), why do you think most of us stopped paying? xD

because you wanted to farm real trials and forgot about 24?

because you're greedy?

because your mom stopped paying your subs?

because you couldn't cut as a p2p twink?

could be all of the above or none, i dunno, i dunt care. :)
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the irony from a ret pally :O

anyhow, deepdown when i global a f2p i think yay my twink is more OP than he's, because that's what twinks are for :). but you keep telling your self that the guy who just globaled you sucks, if it makes you feel better /pat.

because you wanted to farm real trials and forgot about 24?

because you're greedy?

because your mom stopped paying your subs?

because you couldn't cut as a p2p twink?

could be all of the above or none, i dunno, i dunt care. :)

Hes a lock, and look at the part i quoted lol.
Hes a lock, and look at the part i quoted lol.

ahh my bad, but there is a ret called kain, no? but i think the rest is pretty much spot on :)
This thread can only head in a positive direction.

Regardless, let's be real: who established this bracket?

who established the 19/29/39/49/ ect ect, pre xp lock?, lets be real, if wasn't free 75% of you lot wouldnt play it and i'd have to delete my 24, but if my mom had a dick she'd be my dad.
Sorry, If you're rolling around in this bracket to take advantage of malgeared/low leveled players there's no excuse for sucking. BiS or don't waste our time. I've seen some 24's that are 100x worse than 20's I've played with and it's unacceptable considering why they play.

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