Laughing Skull FTW Relocation (update)


The Dude Abides
Hello everyone.

So I'd like to clarify what happened regarding my guild transfer so everyone's on the same page. It all started with Saxxon making a guild on BH called laughing skull ftw. Contrary to the rumors that were spread, Saxxon did this in order to protect the guild name so that no other scumbags could take it and try to ransom the name. And for that I really want to thank Saxxon. I didn't even ask him to do that and he stepped up like a true mate. So everything seemed fine going into the transfer. I asked Sax to disband the guild, and I pulled out my credit card to push the transfer through. Unfortunately Blizz did not update quick enough and the service wasn't recognizing that Saxxon disbanded the guild. Even two hours later, I still couldn't transfer the damn guild because it was still seeing the one Saxxon made. 4 hours went by and I had to go to bed because of work early in the morning. I figured that there's no way that someone would find out and take it over night. I was wrong.

Enter an unknown douchebag. Somebody snagged the guild name that night I assume, under a character called Ransumbxtch (lol). Now my first move was to contact blizzard to get them to sort this out, as it was an obvious troll. Unfortunately, blizzard GMs are about as helpful as an umbrella in Nevada, and they couldn't get this resolved (SHOCKER I KNOW). So next i got in contact with the ransomer and tried to negotiate. At first he asked for 10k, then it was 20k and a pair of mindthrust bracers. I was about to accept, but then I asked him to reveal his identity. As is typical with cowards, he wouldn't reveal it... he said only this: "This is all I will leave you with. I am an EU and I am the one who hacked Livingforce and robbed your gbank". As soon as he said this I of course became infuriated, this is apparently the same scumbag that screwed me over before. Now i know he might be bluffing and framing the Europeans (US tend to do this... kind of like the human race always blaming shit on Jews). I have nothing against our European peers, so I wont jump to conclusions.

As I looked at a bead of water glisten as it rolled down the American flag of my Budweiser, I realized the same thing our forefathers did: Fuck negotiating with terrorists. I freaked out at him and said he wasn't getting any money and to leave me alone. He then proceeded to threaten to fry my computer if I didn't give him 10k. He entered my IP address (how the hell do nerds know how to do this?) and that about did it for me. 10k is nothing so i paid the asshole as long as he promised not to bother me again. Thankfully enough, he also was kind enough (if you want to call it that) to disband LS FTW for me as well. So anyway, 10k in damage but I have secured the guild on BH and plan on transferring it very soon. Sorry for the delay, and for the length of this thread. I guess its a bit of a long story.

To the hacker, whoever you are, please understand how hard it is for me to not be furious with you, but please leave me alone and thank you for disbanding the guild. I admit I sometimes say some stupid shit when im belligerent and make poor decisions. But in the end im actually just a chill, funloving stoner and im willing to forgive anyone cuz everyone makes mistakes.

Let me know if you want to Join LS FTW. We won't be premading, just chillin and shootin the shit. Throw your alts in here for shits. I'll have a huge gbank of great gear and a little over 100k. All are welcome. Funding available. Peace.
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Good to see everything turned out well and you're finally moving over to Bleeding Hollow. :cool:
if it was me, i wouldnt care theres so many Variations to the gtag u could make that gets the same message across
maybe ones with x's nawmean
Even some simple spaces works i think
LaughingSkull FTW
Waughing Skull FTW
Is this the same guy that threatened Idiote with nudes or whatever lol
i dont negotiate with terrorists

Shouldve just made <LSFTW> as gname and be done with it

i feel u guys ab just changing the gname. and tbh i really debated it a while, the guilds just been around too damn long (january of 2007) for me to change it now. i know that sounds dumb af but id rather pay 10$ to have the name back. anyway worked out in the end.

thanks pizza.
''i dont negotiate with terrorists ''

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Your family tree is a cactus because everybody on it is a prick...


yea go ahead and call the mods you dick. truth is every chance you get.... literally every forum i make... you have some kind of smartass harassment for me. and i will say once again... please leave me alone i want nothing to do with you.

Aphernid... Its not over there yet. I have to get in contact with blizzard so that they can make sure the transfer goes through without someone stealing the name all over again. Knowing how uncooperative and lazy blizzard is my estimate would be Wednesday or Thursday. I'll keep this thread updated with the progress.
if u started ranting about eu's cuz of that 1 false statement things would of been different, but congratz on getting ur guild bk
Good luck with your plight. It's a shame that people do these things.

When I deleted my original lock in 2007, one of my haters snatched up the name Drayner on Draka. I let it go and made draynertoo instead.
I don't get it, whole this thread only for guild name ? Why don't you just make a new fresh name, people will forgot your members who used to be bad and stuff, being nostalgic isn't a good thing in this game...
I don't get it, whole this thread only for guild name ? Why don't you just make a new fresh name, people will forgot your members who used to be bad and stuff, being nostalgic isn't a good thing in this game...

I answered this already; if youre going to troll, at least be original about it. Sorry, im a nostalgic person.

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