last night


I can't remember the last time I played wow until 3am. I had a ton of fun queing 3s!!!!!

For those of you who missed out, yes games were going till 3am server. GET YOUR TEAM TOGETHER!
Horde racials are too good to pass up in arena.

Not really. With the amount of trinkets available at this level, Human is probably one of the strongest races for damage dealers in arena.
Dwarves and night elves both have solid personal defensive CDs, and humans can get ~50 more agility or ~30 strength through a proc/on use trink(at the cost of 13 stam), but they pale when compared to the AOE CC provided by hordies IMO :p
As an Alliance healer, I can tell you it sucks being constantly sapped, stunned or silenced. That could be one of the primary reasons we have issues getting healers on the Alliance side.
That is the nature of the beast though. Not too much we can do about it unless your team protects you or Blizzard does something to help us out. I suspect those changes are what we will see coming up in Legion.


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