Last call! Warrior LF active Guild.

In all honesty, don't level your 60 char to 70, you're better off must making a completly new character. I myself leveled my old level 60 twink to 70, and boy do I regret it! The time you've invested in you character is just washed down the drain.

On another note, if only the EU twinks would return to their twinks, not judging people for playing max level, but if they'd return the level 60 community is the best commmunity I've ever seen in WoW.

The level 70 twinks oftens gets a bit to serious with their arenas and such, even tho it's serious buisness some people take it a bit too far, again not judging anyone for playing level their 70 twinks, I even got one myself eve ntho he's really dusty and inactive.

Hope this helped you a bit.

Best regards,

^ this... im sure that within a few weeks the novelty of cata will be worn off and queues will be fixed and people start playing again.. on another note. im willing to start a guild for horde in EU ill even boost / fund the first few guys
Good some1 is doing something about this.. im dying to play on my 60 rogue now, and the queues are way too long.. So I might start looking for a guild after I get my last binding :)
Never level a twink, ever. It's always easier to make a new one (on the new level) than remake your twink you did have.

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