Largest crit with 3.1.1?

+6 stats to chest Kermit! Your results are awesome tho. Out of curiosity how much do you die tho in BGs /w sub 1k HP unbuffed?
Hot damn that is a NASTY crit. Grats on having claim to the biggest 29 crit, with screenshot.
I guess I'll have to respec back to ambushes to reclaim my title. >.<

Btw its still not the highest 29 crit ever, its the highest 29 crit post 3.1. The highest ever is still 1695, and i doubt thats going to be beaten any time soon.
I don't think you can put +6 stats on scaled leather tunic of power because it's not a lvl 35 item? I think +3 stats is the highest you can go?

Finks-I really don't die all that much. With my talent build I can go back into stealth like 4 seconds after the ambush. The key is to stay in stealth as much as possible. One dot or serpent sting(or a moonfire....Vinod =P ) could be a killer lol. It's pretty fun playing with low health. Sometimes I use the net-o-matic and discombob ray to get a way and things like that. I gotta pick my fights and not charge into groups of guys because frankly I don't have the health for it. Of course I'm gonna die like anyone else but its surprisingly not as much as you would think.
Damn nice! What buffs did you have? You're not even Orc so I don't know how the hell you got that =P Was this pic taken a while ago when the leg armors were available?
i did this before 3.1.1 i know my friend recently broke 2k on his balance druid. i havent had enough time to regear since patches, but with flagcarrier debuff and zerker its pretty easy. so 2k i thinks the top
If i realized we were doing debuff ss's I have a couple over 3k.
Achmed said:
"Largest crit with 3.1.1?"... i don't see With/Without debuffs... whats with all this e-peen ?

PS: Post a pic with your 3k crits please.. after 3.1.1 patch.

How was that an epeen post? I'm just saying, I have crits over 3k with a debuff...
The only buff I had was mark of the wild. My target had no special +healing buffs.

IMO - screenshot of crit or gtfo.

vinod said:
IMO - screenshot of crit or gtfo.

So many haters.

Btw it wasnt a couple over 3k. I just chked out the ss and I had one for 3299 and the other for 2906.

I've had a TON of ambushes with a debuff in the 2500 range, but I didnt feel they were ss worthy.
Kilda said:
Let the kid think he critted 'tons' of 2.5k ambushes.

He only wants moar fwiends.

Lol, you're cute.

People who matter have seen me do it plenty of times. ;D

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