Largest crit with 3.1.1?

Had a match this week, where kermittheorc ambush crit my character for 1208. Bonus, I even screenshot the ownage.

rofl kermittheorc, very creative. Props for the ss and it wasn't even your char that had the crit.
Haha oh man I go to this site everyday and suddenly I see people talking about me of all people! Wow that's crazy. So I had to make an account to respond. Yeah Kermit is an all ap rogue who goes for huge crits...after the ambush he switches to two Zealot blades and just spams ss. Thanks to the new equipment manager it's super easy to do. His second gear set with the swords is agi based so I pray for crits lol. Not that much skill involved but it gets the job done. Thanks for the shout out and for posting that screen shot =) I think my largest crit is 1300 something?
Damn it Kermit - I hate you so much!!! >.<

I see you in the roster, and I just know Im gonna have a dozen painful deaths to you. We talk about you in vent too "Ahhhh damn it! He's here! Fuck, get out the fairy fire and moonfire spam! Its our only hope!"

LOL - good games.
Haha I won't kill you as much if I see you. Does that make you feel better? =) Hunters are fair game though. It's so redic. one game the entire ali team was hunters no joke. Hunters are the reason I made this toon. Golvlalready is my lock twink and hunters were just owning her (all spell power build lol). Had to fight back somehow.
Srsly, I am all about rogues being rolled to own hunters.

It is why I took that screenshot "AWESOME! Something thats not a hunter that totally just rapes face!".
Lol this is too funny, it's like a reunion.

Kermittheorc said:
Haha I won't kill you as much if I see you. Does that make you feel better? =) Hunters are fair game though. It's so redic. one game the entire ali team was hunters no joke. Hunters are the reason I made this toon. Golvlalready is my lock twink and hunters were just owning her (all spell power build lol). Had to fight back somehow.

Yeah I feel your pain man, I was having the same prob on my lock so I respec'd to an SL build. It kind of helps but I'm lacking the stam gear to make it more effective. 1v1 I have a chance vs hunters now though. My bg doesn't seem to be as overrun with them luckily. The new void sac is OP though, toss that in with LB and bandages and you're good to go.
Yeah it's a huge improvement. I'm trying to get arena trinket right now but it's impossible with all these 80s trying to nab it. Kermit rawks hunters though if the Ambush crits. I'm trying to get Shrink ray to backfire on me to give me more ap. I don't have a main so I can't get the boa stuff which really sucks =/
Kermittheorc said:
Yeah it's a huge improvement. I'm trying to get arena trinket right now but it's impossible with all these 80s trying to nab it. Kermit rawks hunters though if the Ambush crits. I'm trying to get Shrink ray to backfire on me to give me more ap. I don't have a main so I can't get the boa stuff which really sucks =/

Lol yeah I know the feeling, I've basically left my mains at 70 and I went to leveling a DK when WotLK came out, I got it to 73 and then got bored with it, went back to playing my twinks and I haven't been able to play wow but a few times in the last 5 months due to a lack of a computer that can actually run the game. Keep killing the hunters though man, more power to you. lol AGM would definitely make an SL lock with sac and LB pretty unkillable, I haven't worked towards getting mine yet.
A rogue I run with just got her grand master arena trinket. It took her a little bit, but she has it :)

Really, aside from the achievement, what is the point for an 80 with that trinket?
vinod said:
A rogue I run with just got her grand master arena trinket. It took her a little bit, but she has it :)

Really, aside from the achievement, what is the point for an 80 with that trinket?

Nothing, people are too over zealous about the achievement points and bragging rights from having a large amount of them so that they can /epeen.
I just ambushed someone for 915 damage, only buff was rumsey. Its not great, but it was followed by a 500+ Backstab :p

Im still working on my AP set, cause I didnt start maxing AP til after the leg armor nerf. Still need to get a buffed+zerker+flag debuff ambush.
Nice! Yeah man I miss the times when as a 29 rogue, the talent trees let you have huge increases to crit chance to both ambush and backstab. I think that's when they were both in the assassination tree? Anyway once you get all of that ap gear you'll see your chance to crit go way down haha. Oh don't forget to put a +6 sharpening stone on your mainhand dagger if you want big numbers. It helps a lot.
tiggis said:
897 without beserk

I am a 29 balance druid.

Hey tiggis could I get your balance druids name or armory link? I'm getting close to finishing up my new balance druid twink and seeing how your gear set is, compared to what I aiming for when I hit 29.

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