Kruul is coming back and other stuff

Kutotems said:
Hes actually pretty good on his shaman, he claims to be a god, but imo best shaman of all time was Unbreakable(on youtube atleast). Swineflue you could call good but he was pretty cocky. Kruul... buddy... shaman > Warrior for you. please.

Wasnt Swineflue 60?


or did he level?
Warcraftnick said:
Wasnt Swineflue 60?


or did he level?
He went 70 and released a few vids. He was a badass 60 then blizz brought XP BGs in at 3.2 so he went 70 cause of his acc cap.
Kutotems said:
Hes actually pretty good on his shaman, he claims to be a god, but imo best shaman of all time was Unbreakable(on youtube atleast). Swineflue you could call good but he was pretty cocky. Kruul... buddy... shaman > Warrior for you. please.

Swineflue was terriblleeeeeee as Enhance, he didn't even glyph Stoneclaw one of the main defense mechanisms for shamans.
Kruul said:
Swineflue was terriblleeeeeee as Enhance, he didn't even glyph Stoneclaw one of the main defense mechanisms for shamans.

im better than you at all classes
i obviously didnt look at his talents/glyphs, kruul, rather hard to judge someones skill of talents/glyphs when they dont show you in a vid ^_^
Kruul said:
any upcoming changes i should know about since i'm not really informed.

You can be killed before your global cooldown wears off.

Kruul said:
What twinks are op right now?

Mages, rogues, all classes that have a healing ability

Kruul said:
is pvp fun at 70 anymore?


Kruul said:
ALLSOOOO000ooo I saw somebody upload a vid doing a ZA run recently and i heard that instance got pushed to 85. Is it actually 70 and 85 or just 85? kthankubai

Hoodem said:
you're all sub 1800 heroes. get good faggots.

ROFL look at this pink-face raging kid u so young sit in your toddler beach chair kid ive been alive since before you were born i could be your father
Kruul said:
HAha you bunch of fuckin cata new 70 noob scrubs learn who the real leaders of this bracket were.

Ill second that, people dont know wow these days, Good old 60 and 70 days, pre 3.1 patch tbh !! back in the day with 60

YES IM Elronià! Mighty 60 warrior, see people would know me, but since all new cata scrubs people wont, bring back the old members pleaseeee?!?!!

kkthxbye :)
i started 70s mainly in cata but im no cata n00b.

playing shaman since 07.
Played WoW since the release, tbh im all for newbies to play the bracket, but when people dont realize that kruul is a shamanastic God at 70s both now and before, its just stupid
kuto, ever heard of an edit button?
threesets said:
kuto, ever heard of an edit button?

lol, yeah i have now, i posted the 2nd one and then i saw the edit button and just /facepalmed

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