is thing 14 thing still just limited to rogue/mage/priest?
is thing 14 thing still just limited to rogue/mage/priest?
not trying to be a rebelI am still asking for RMP classes, but you are welcome to join on another class.
I think that making your toon as geared as possible without dinging would be really cool, but if people agree that whites are the way to go, I'm all for it.
All Gear and White Gear are two extremes, perhaps something in the middle would work best.
White Gear = no hit rating, which is a big problem for me.
However, It would be frustrating to have gear based on RNG, if you get to 19 and are unable to get some gear pieces due to bad luck then you have to reroll the toon to get BiS.
What if we limited gear to only Quest items and the PvP vendor?
people would still have to plan out their gear and do all the quests without going over 19, but the plan would be consistent and less chance of "messing up"
Do you earn exp from these arena matches? how could one earn non BoA gear at this level( that would be competitive)
So denfinetly just white gear at level 14?
So denfinetly just white gear at level 14?
When I was leveling my combat rogue Pluck, I did just that. I planned my quests, mined my materials (goggles 8D) before hitting a high enough level to start my quests. It was fun and not fun at the sametimeThis could be like old school twinking, you have to try and get geared without dinging 20. Teehee.