Hello everybody
<Knights of Love> is recruiting a droodhealer and hunters/mages for our raidingprogress. We're on Bronzebeard, EU.
It's an old level 1 twinkguild that now have started a hardcore raidingprogress. Best kill ATM is Cenarion Emissary Jademoon (lvl 55). And we're moving forward fast
So if your intrested to join or just want more info about progress and stuff visit us at or on youtube, knightsoflove1twink.
//Bankaren the Explorer
<Knights of Love> is recruiting a droodhealer and hunters/mages for our raidingprogress. We're on Bronzebeard, EU.
It's an old level 1 twinkguild that now have started a hardcore raidingprogress. Best kill ATM is Cenarion Emissary Jademoon (lvl 55). And we're moving forward fast
So if your intrested to join or just want more info about progress and stuff visit us at or on youtube, knightsoflove1twink.
//Bankaren the Explorer