Kiting Controls

Thanks. I did not realize I was to right click and sweep the mouse. I was trying to turn by just holding the mouse buttons down. Right to turn right. Left to turn left.

I will get one of those gaming mice with extra buttons that can be bound. My hope is that I can still do movement with my right hand and reserve the left hand for scratching my ass while I roll my face across the keyboard.
squidmagnet said:
Thanks. I did not realize I was to right click and sweep the mouse. I was trying to turn by just holding the mouse buttons down. Right to turn right. Left to turn left.

I will get one of those gaming mice with extra buttons that can be bound. My hope is that I can still do movement with my right had and reserve the left hand for scratching my ass while I roll my face across the keyboard.

ive been developing a similar system, where instead of rolling your face across the keyboard to own as a hunter, you can roll your ass across the keyboard, which allows you to itch your face instead. i know myself along with many others have gotten that faceroll itch that you just cant scratch or youd risk upsetting the delicate balance of kiting. Now all i have to do is figure out a way to get rid of the keyboard smell after an intense night of twinking...
I got the WoW gaming mouse and I can't say enough good things about it.

The scroll wheel can be pushed down like a button to access a "move and steer" function. I just push it down to move forward and sweep the mouse side to side to turn, and the turn is instantaneous.

Sweeping the mouse forward and back controls the camera angle. There is a four direction slider for the thumb that I have programmed to turn right and left and go back and target nearest enemy. So I can use it to turn when standing still, and it works as strafe when I moving forward with the "move and steer" function.

There are a bunch of other buttons I can program too. I will set one of them to jump, so my left hand will only be occupied with triggering actions on the keyboard.

Kiting will now be re-donk-ulously easy. I wish I had bought this mouse from the start.

Yeah Man too funny ....

Not sure sharing your guide is the right thing to do...... there's already Too many facerolling hunters out there....dont encourage them!!

Hopefully a nerf to hunters is in the pipeline soon , to get rid of all the budget hunters thinking their gods gift to wow...

i have personally made it my mission with my lock pick 1 hunter at random, in the occasional bg ..... and make it my mission to make him leave the bg ..... i spam fear and dot him ... leave my pet on him , forsaking all others.... and generally make his wsg a never ending fearathon....until he gets pissed off about not being top of the DPS chart , and goes crying out of the bg to his mother , asking her to make the bad lock leave him alone.....then i pick the next hunter on the list and rinse and repeat.... i urge all of you to follow in my footsteps , and we may see an end to hunters......
Druidira said:
Yeah Man too funny ....

Not sure sharing your guide is the right thing to do...... there's already Too many facerolling hunters out there....dont encourage them!!

Hopefully a nerf to hunters is in the pipeline soon , to get rid of all the budget hunters thinking their gods gift to wow...

i have personally made it my mission with my lock pick 1 hunter at random, in the occasional bg ..... and make it my mission to make him leave the bg ..... i spam fear and dot him ... leave my pet on him , forsaking all others.... and generally make his wsg a never ending fearathon....until he gets pissed off about not being top of the DPS chart , and goes crying out of the bg to his mother , asking her to make the bad lock leave him alone.....then i pick the next hunter on the list and rinse and repeat.... i urge all of you to follow in my footsteps , and we may see an end to hunters......

rofl, that's awesome... I usually end up doing the same... although it's never at random... always the most annoying backpedalling midair-somersaulting night elf hunter in the BG... there's always one of em.

PROTIP: this is even more fun on a 49 rogue where you can make hunters drop in 2 seconds.
Help request

Actually maybe you can help me out,

Im in the middle of making a new twink .... think im addicted , this will be my 6th class to twink at 19 lvl ....

Ive just dinged 19 ... and have pleanty of gear to choose from, just got pretty much everything i could get from instances that gave me int, SP or stamina.... aswell as getting the furlbog pouch .....

My problem is neck piece , bracers, pants and belt ?

Im sitting on about 1150 hp without any of these items equiped... im just wondering which way i should go ....

Whether the honor necklace from wsg or thick bronze necklace is better for locks?

and for the bracers, pants and belt whether to try get more hp , or go for more SP on these slots, as my SP is only 94....

i guess what im asking in short is whether SP really affects warlocks dots, and drains enough to make it worth sacrificing alot of HP over?

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